One Life Stand – Chapter 41

At the end of the workday, while Ella was helping a customer, Leon popped up behind her. Once the customer walked away, he wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Hello there,” Leon whispered into her ear.

“H-hey…” I thought it was just another customer behind me. Glad I didn’t elbow him when he hugged me.

“You’re done with work today, right?”


“Then let’s go before Zeke finds us.” He urged her forward.

“W-wait! I need to get changed out of my uniform.”

“No time; he’ll catch us if we go home. Let’s use the back door.” Leon’s arm around her waist, he rushed down the hall smiling like a schoolboy up to no good.

“Don’t make me run in these shoes; I’m afraid I’ll catch on the rug and trip us both.” There’s not much of a heel to it, but I still don’t want to run in them.

“I’d catch you, but if you’re that worried…” He pulled her in closer and lifted her into his arms. “Then I’ll just have to run for the both of us.” He chuckled and took off for real.

Ella clung to his neck, startled. “Oh my gosh! Weren’t you taught not to run in the halls?”

“Maybe, but that doesn’t mean I’ll listen to those rules when I’m in a hurry.” He rushed through the employee area with her to the back entrance.

Ella couldn’t help but laugh and hide her face in the nook of his neck. I can’t believe he’s doing this.

Outside, he set her down by one of his other cars; an old, blue Camaro he didn’t normally use. “Incognito,” he hummed and opened the door for her.

She sat down in his car and thought back to when his mother showed up. Do I tell him? “So, where are we going?”

“Anywhere? Nowhere? As long as we’re not home for a few hours, we’re all good.”

“One way of saying you don’t have a plan.” Ella sighed.

“It’s okay to go without a plan sometimes.” Leon started the car, and it purred. “Plans can be quite stifling at times.”

He’s probably talking from experience. “Okay, let’s go.”

They drove off without a destination in mind, and his phone off, not wanting to be pestered about the wedding rehearsal. Ella stared out the window, watching as the commercial district turned to residential and then mainly empty fields.

Ring, ring, ring. Ella pulled her phone out, and Leon snatched it from her. “No phones while we’re hiding,” he said, and she took it back.

“Okay.” She made sure it wasn’t her mom calling and turned her phone off. “So, do you really not know where we’re going?”

“I didn’t, at first, but seeing how dark it’s getting, I’ve thought of a place.”

“And? Where is it? We’re kinda out in the middle of nowhere now, and we have work tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry; we’re not that far out of the city.”

A few minutes later, they pulled into the lot for an observatory.

“A nice clear sky is the perfect time to view the stars,” Leon said before getting out of his car. Ella followed him, and he took her hand, linking their fingers together, before entering.

“Is this even open to the public?” So empty…

“Yes, and there isn’t even an entrance fee. That said, I regularly donate to this place.”


The person at the front desk greeted them. “Hello again, Mr. Hunt.” The attendant’s eyes widened briefly when they saw her. “You came with a guest this time. Welcome!”

“Thank you.”

“I hope you enjoy your stay! Please ask if you need help.” They gave a slight bow as Leon and Ella headed inside.

“They know you here, hmm?” Ella nudged him with her elbow.

“I come here from time to time, and I used to come here when I was little and wanted to get away.”

Ella’s brows furrowed. “Did you come here on your own? It’s a bit far away for a kid to come here…”

“Yes, well, I snuck out and used a bus.” Leon chuckled. “Let’s use this one.” He stood in front of a telescope. “It’ll be great to look around on such a clear night, especially since there’s a meteor shower tonight.”

“Oh! A meteor shower? I’ve tried to look at them before, but I either forget the timing, or it’s a complete overcast, and I can’t see anything, anyway.”

“We can go to the roof later to watch the meteor shower.”

“We don’t need the telescope?”

“Nope; this is for looking at other stars, planets, and constellations. Here, I’ll set it up.” Leon tinkered with the telescope until it was set how he wanted it and in the direction he wanted to start. “Here, have a look.” He stepped back.

Ella looked through, up at the stars. “Wow, I thought it’d be too early to see it so clearly.”

“Helps to be away from the city, and this time of year it gets darker earlier, so it’s easier to see them.”

Leon got a book from the attendant and held it out to Ella. “You can choose constellations from this section, and I can help you find them. We can also look for planets—”

“Oh! Planets! I want to look at those. Will they only look like stars, or can we see more detail?”

“They have pretty strong telescopes at this place, so we’ll see more.” Leon was actually the reason they had the best telescopes that were available to them.

Leon and Ella took turns looking through the telescope, staying close to each other for hours.

“Time to head upstairs.” Leon pointed up.

“Are we allowed up there?”

Leon smirked. “I am.” They rounded the stairs and the metal door at the top opened up to the roof.

“There’s no telescope up here?”

“No, but you don’t need a telescope to see the meteors.” Leon took his jacket off and laid it down on the ground. “Please, have a seat.”

“Aren’t you going to be cold?”

“Not as long as we cuddle close.” He pulled her down to sit between his legs. Leon wrapped his arms around her as they gazed up at the sky awaiting the meteors. “So, are you finally going to tell me whatever it is that’s been on your mind since I dragged you away from work?”

Ella glanced back at him and bit her lip. “Your mom showed up at lunchtime.”

Leon flinched. “She didn’t do anything to you, did she?”

“No, she…” How much should I tell him?

“What’d she do?”

“Well, she knew you were going to skip out on the rehearsal already.”

Leon cringed. “Not out of the realm of normalcy for me when it comes to events… Still surprised she guessed it.”

“And she was worried about you. I know you think there’s nothing left to salvage, but talking to her, I got the feeling that she actually cares about you and is quite remorseful when it comes to your relationship. She realized she messed up by not giving you enough attention—”

Leon cut her off with a kiss, his hand on her cheek, keeping her there.


“Does it matter now? It’s all in the past.”

She moved back. “It’s not in the past, though; your relationship is damaged now, and I can tell she wishes things were different. It’s too bad both of you are so stubborn.” Ella sighed and looked up. “Hey, a meteor!” She pointed at the sky.

Right when Leon looked up, another meteor showed up.

A chilly wind blew by, and they cuddled up close to stay warm as they watched the magnificent view of meteors streaming through the sky.

He leaned in close to her ear to whisper, “Do you really think it’s possible for me to change how I feel about my mother, at least? I doubt my father has any interest in reconciling.”

“If both of you are willing to try, then yes, I think it’s possible. But something tells me you two have a lot to work out. You could always try therapy.”

“Would you go to therapy?” Leon asked.

“Me? Ha… No; they scare me…” It’s too dark in the corners of my mind, so I’d rather not prod it. “Wait, is this your way of telling me I need therapy for my… running issues?”

“No, I actually was wondering if you’d come with me and my mom, but I guess you’d be seen as a security blanket there…” He rubbed his chin and pursed his lips as he thought.

“How is this not about my issues?” Ella mumbled.

“Hmm? Well, in case I didn’t say it before, even if you run away, I’ll find you and make sure you feel safe again.” He winked at her. “You’re mine for life, Ella.”

“Ha…” He’s always surprising me with how sweet he is. I expected him to say he’d catch me… “I would go with you if you wanted me to, but I don’t think I should; as you said… I’d be a security blanket.” Wait, doesn’t that mean he feels safe with me somehow? Ella smiled as she looked back up at the stars.


She turned to see Leon with his phone out, smiling as he took a picture of her. “Sorry… I couldn’t help it; I’ve never seen that look on your face. What brought it on?”


“Never mind; it doesn’t matter. I’m just glad I got to see it.”

A wind blew by and she shivered.

“I think it’s time we go home.” Leon looked at his watch. “The rehearsal should be done, anyway.”


Continued in chapter 42.

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One Life Stand – Chapter 34

By the time they got to Mrs. Hunt’s house, Ella already felt overwhelmed with all the options.

“We’re only just starting, you know?” Molly looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “You’re going to have to learn how to deal with all sorts of situations in order to support Leon.”

“Seems so…” Ella followed her out to the house, and they headed to the living room filled with flowers and decorations to choose from.

“Now that you’ve chosen a venue.” She pulled out a binder with all the information on it and what flowers and decorations went along with it.

“Wait, this place…” Ella looked at the map that was included in the venue. “It’s near the beach where I first met Leon…” Walking distance even. At least I think it was there…

“Is it? All the better, I suppose. Now, sit.” She patted the couch beside her. “We have decisions to make.”

Ella held onto her pounding head after making more decisions than she could keep track of. Leon’s mother seemed to get annoyed every time she couldn’t make a quick enough decision, but they made it through most of the things she had planned.

“By the way, when are you quitting?” Molly asked.

“Excuse me?” Ella frowned. “I’m not quitting.”

“You’re not seriously going to keep working as a concierge, are you? That’s a busy job; you need to have an open schedule for Leon.”

Normally busy, but less so with Leon trying to keep me to himself. Still, I’d rather at least keep going part time. “You don’t think I can support Leon and still have a job? I’m mostly his concierge, anyway.”

“What will you do when you have children? They eat up even more time than your job…”

“Um… Children? We… haven’t talked about it much.”

“They need constant attention, and I’m expecting at least two grandchildren.”

“Wait a second… since when did you give Leon constant attention? I met him when he was still only a child, and he was depressed and feeling unloved…” I don’t think it’s my place to mention he wanted to kill himself. “He definitely didn’t get constant attention from you, though I think he craved it.”

Her eye twitched. “You don’t know what it was like! I was always busy with my husband—”

“So busy you neglected your son?”

“I… I love Leon… We gave him everything he asked for. He got all the latest toys and all the vacations around the world. Everything.”

“Everything but your attention.” And love. “I’m sorry, but all the toys in the world can’t replace a parent’s love.”

“Hmph… We’ll see how you do once you become a mother. It’s not easy.”

“I don’t know if we’ll have kids or not, but if we do, they’ll have more parental love than you can imagine. I believe you when you say you love Leon, but I wish you’d actually show it with actions over words. Now, if we’re done here, I want to go home.”

She sighed and composed herself. “Yes; we’ve gone through what we needed to. I’ll get the driver to send you back.”

Ella held up her hand. “Thank you, but I need a walk to clear my head.”

“Oh, alright…” She cleared her throat. “Be well then.” It wasn’t until Ella was walking away that Molly noticed Ella’s cheeks reddening a bit. She was about to ask if she was okay, but Ella walked out of the room before she could.

“She didn’t look too good.” Her assistant cleared the table of tea and snacks.

“Probably overwhelmed. It is a lot to take in.” Molly looked at the binder on the table.

“Don’t you think you should warn your son?”

Ella sighed, enjoying the cool breeze on her face. “I can’t believe I said all that to her… It’s not really my place to say any of it, is it? Then again, I will be her daughter-in-law…” She shook her head, trying to push those thoughts to the back. Geez, my head feels so stuffy. Maybe I just need some water.

She headed into the nearby convenience store and bought a bottle of cold water before heading back out. She spotted a park nearby with a few benches surrounded by flowers and decided to sit and hope the fresh air would help clear her head. Gotta love parks…

“Ah…” she sighed after taking a drink of cold water.

I hope I didn’t screw up any of the choices or piss her off too much, but really, how can she think she was an attentive mother? An image of young Leon on the edge of the cliff, debating on if he should jump or not, passed through her mind. He looked so sad… Even with all my troubles when I was younger with a father who abandoned me, I never got to that point. That’s probably thanks to my mom. She may not have always had time, but she always made sure I knew how much she loved me. I’m so lucky.

She looked up at the sky and noticed dark clouds rolling in.

Ugh, that can’t be good… I better not stay here too long or I’ll be caught in the rain. She got up from the bench and stumbled a step. Her head spun, and she saw spots before falling back onto the bench.

Phew, definitely not good.

She waited a minute before getting up again. Okay, hopefully, no more dizzy spells… Wait, how far am I from home?

Ella looked around, having wandered more off the main streets than she thought.

This is my city; I shouldn’t get lost…

Drip, drip. Two droplets of water hit Ella on the top of her head.

Uh-oh… She looked up and more rain splashed down on her. Looking around, she spotted a bus stop and rushed over for cover.

“Always comes out of nowhere.” She sighed.

Crackle. Boom.

“Ah!” Ella yelped and covered her ears. Ever since a thunderstorm knocked out the power for hours while she was home alone as a child, she’d been terrified of thunder.

Crackle. Another rumble of thunder ripped through the sky and lightning hit the middle of the street not far from her.

Her ears still covered, she started to rock.

It’ll end soon. Tough it out like always. Who am I kidding? I try to be inside when there’s a thunderstorm. Across the street, there were a bunch of stores, but she couldn’t bring herself to go rushing across out of her cover. Maybe I should take the bus… but how long until one shows up?

She scrunched her eyes shut, afraid of seeing the lightning close by.

Please end soon. A strong wind wiped by and she shivered, more soaked by the rain than she thought. Why is this happening? It was so nice out earlier.

A Rolls Royce screeched as it did a u-turn and pulled up in front of her.

“Ella!” Leon practically lunged out of the car towards her.

“Leon?” She stood

Boom. Thunder sounded again, and she let out a small yelp as she covered her ears. Strong, warm arms wrapped around her.

“It’s okay, Ella. I’m here now.” Leon kissed the top of her head. “Geez, you’re soaked and burning up.” Leon took off his jacket and put it around her. “Let’s go home.”

He ushered her into the car while she was still covering her ears. He sat down in the back beside her and buckled them both in before wrapping his arms around her again.

The car took off, with Zeke driving it.

“Why… Why didn’t you call me?” Leon whispered and gritted his teeth, trying to stop himself from snapping.

She looked over at him, her eyes blurry. “Sorry…” she mumbled and leaned into him as she blacked out.

“Ella?” Leon gripped her tighter. “Dammit…” “Don’t worry; we’ll get her home.” Zeke glanced in the rear-view mirror at Leon.

Continued in chapter 35.

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One Life Stand – Chapter 12

Ella avoided Alice for the rest of the week, even after getting an earful from Kyra. Charlie kept showing up, wanting to hang out, but Ella turned her away. The weekend rolled around and it was time for her date with Leon at the amusement park.

“What should I wear?” Ella asked Charlie, who was busy on her phone, as Ella stared at her wardrobe. “You know, if you’re not going to help, then please go.”

“No, no, no… I’m here to help. That one.” She blindly pointed at a dress.

“That’s it; time for you to leave.” Ella tugged on Charlie’s arm and pushed her out of her room. “Go home if you want to chat with your husband.” She closed the door.

Knock, knock.

“Charlie, go home.”

Knock, knock.

“What now, Charlie?” Ella opened the door to find Leon. “Oh, I’m sorry… I thought it was—”

“Charlie, I know. No, she’s over on the couch still texting.” He pulled a gift box out from behind him. “I got you something to wear on our date.”

“Really? Thank you, but you didn’t need to do that.”

“I wanted to.” He urged her to take it.

“Thank you.”

“I look forward to seeing you in it.” A slight blush touched his cheeks, and he headed off.

Ella set the box on the bed and took a deep breath, preparing for the worst. He’s a young guy and wants to see me in it; that can’t be good, right? She flicked the lid off and looked inside. It was a light pink flowy summer dress with flowers on it. This is not what I was expecting. She held it up to herself and looked in the mirror. It’s more of a reserved yet playful type of dress. This will work for a date at the amusement park. Well, maybe I should wear something under it just in case.

She changed into her new dress, did up her hair and light makeup, and left her room to find Leon waiting in the living room casually dressed in a t-shirt with an open shirt over it and jeans. Simple, but it suits him.

“You look… so cute…” He cleared his throat and composed himself. “Shall we?” He offered her his arm.

“Thank you.” She took his arm. “By the way, where’s Charlie?”

“She said she had something important to do and ran off.”

“Oh, okay.” Totally thought she was going to try to join me…

Outside, a grey Porsche pulled up in front of them. Zeke got out and handed Leon the keys. “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you there?” he asked.

“This is a date to an amusement park, Zeke, so no, I’d rather drive us”

“Okay… Call if you need anything.” He stepped off to the side.

Leon opened the door for her and made sure she was buckled in before rushing to his side. His hands on the wheel, he smiled at her and then took off.

Leon safely pulled into the packed parking lot, got out, and immediately opened the door for her.

I’m surprised he didn’t speed or anything. Is he normally like this, or is it all for show?

He took her hand, and they headed into the amusement park together.

“So, what do you want to do first? If there are any rides you want to go on, I suggest going to those before the food stalls,” Leon said right after they passed through the entrance gate.

“Okay, how about that first?” She pointed up at a monstrous rollercoaster with multiple loops.

Leon nodded awkwardly. “Sure, let’s go.” Hand-in-hand, they lined up for the rollercoaster. When they got to the front of the line, Leon tensed up.

“Are you okay? We don’t have to go on this if you don’t want to,” Ella whispered to him.

“No, I’m fine,” his voice hitched slightly.

He’s afraid to go on the ride? Kinda cute, but why an amusement park then?

They sat down on the rollercoaster, safely locked in. Leon took a few deep breaths.

“We’ll be okay,” Ella assured him.

“I know… Still terrifying,” he mumbled to himself.

After the rollercoaster took off and gained some speed. Ella screamed and raised her arms in the air as it went down on a steep slant. Leon gripped the safety harness tightly the whole time, not a peep from him.

“Wow, how’d you not scream?” she asked, laughing and wiping away a tear as they came to the end of the ride.

“Ha…” Leon wobbled as he got out of the rollercoaster, his legs feeling like jelly. 

Ella took his hand and pulled him off to the side to sit on a bench. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Why would you think otherwise?” He forced a smile.

“I have to ask, are you afraid of heights?”

“Nope; I’m fine on planes. Heck, I’ve been on too many flights for my liking, so it’s not that. You feel the speed so much more on these, especially when you’re plummeting towards the ground…”

“You didn’t have to ride the rollercoaster.”

“But I could tell you wanted to, so I ended up wanting to as well. It’s just as bad as I remembered,” he sighed.

“We don’t have to go on those rides, you know?”

“But it’s an amusement park.”

“There are other kinds.” She pointed at the bumper cars. “How about those? Or over there.” She pointed at the go-karts.

“I don’t think I want to ram you with a bumper car, but you want to race me?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Why not? Think you’ll lose?”

“You’re asking for it now.” He smirked. “Let’s go for it.”

They headed towards the go-kart track. Ella looked up past it and slowed down, her eyes on the Ferris wheel. The last time she had ridden one, she was with her first boyfriend.

“Ella? Is something wrong?”

“What? No…” She shook her head.

He looked over at the Ferris wheel in wonder. Why was her expression sad? Was it that she wanted to ride it, or something else? “We’re next. Time for you to lose.”

“We’ll see about that.”

“Care to make this extra interesting?” he asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Loser has to… do something for the winner.”

She frowned at him.

“Within reason, of course, but the loser will owe the winner a favour that can be requested sometime down the line.” He held his hand out to her. “What do you say?”

She hesitated.

“Afraid to lose?”

Her eye twitched. “You have a deal.” She shook his hand. Both of them ready with their helmets, they got into their go-karts.

She took a deep breath, gripping the steering wheel tightly.




They both sped off, gaining a quick lead on the two other people racing with them. They rounded the second corner neck-in-neck and went full throttle on the straightaway. By the third round, the other two were already too far behind to win the race. Ella practically drifted around the last corner and just barely pulled ahead to pass the finish line first.

“Yes!” she cheered after coming to a stop. She pulled her helmet off and stood. “You owe me a favour.”

“Do a victory pose.” Leon pulled his phone out and aimed it at her.

She made a V with her fingers and smiled, her helmet held under one arm.

“Awesome… You won that fair and square.” He set his helmet down and approached her. “I can’t believe I lost.” He laughed and pulled her in for a hug.

“Whoa.” She jumped slightly. “Should you be this happy I won?”

“I’m happy you didn’t take it easy on me, and I think it’s awesome how you went around that last corner, although a bit dangerous. Please don’t do that while driving otherwise… or ever again.”

“I promise I don’t normally do that…” I can’t believe I pulled a move like Sebastian. Ugh… That prick… She cringed at the bitter taste in her mouth.

“Okay, good.” Sensing her distress over it, he kissed her forehead.

“Oh…” A light blush tinted her cheeks.

“How about we move on to some of these booth games?”


“They seem to be getting along well,” Charlie said as she watched Ella and Leon alongside Alice and Kyra.

“Way better than when I last saw them.” Alice pushed up her sunglasses and slurped on her slushie.

“You two… You’re more suspicious because you’re dressed like that, you know that, right?” Kyra asked as the other two hid behind a sign with binoculars in their hands and their hoods pulled up.

“But you can spy on people in regular clothes,” Alice argued.

“Why are we even spying on them still? As Charlie said, they’re getting along well; we don’t need to stalk them.”

“But what if something happens and we’re not nearby?”

“She’s not a child; she’ll be fine. How about we actually enjoy the place? I haven’t been here without my kids in so long…” Kyra sighed. “I want to enjoy it my way this time.”

“We came here for Ella!”

“And she’s fine, so let’s go find some good food to munch on. I’m starving.” Kyra walked away, tired of their antics. She knew if they needed her, they’d call, and they knew she’d come running.

“Can you believe she beat him in a race?” Charlie asked. “Maybe I should race her…”

“Please don’t,” Alice begged her. “Something is bound to go wrong if you do that.”

“But it’d be so much fun! And I know you love to have fun.”

“I don’t like to put my life on the line.”

“You’re not one of the drivers; you’d be fine.”

“The sidelines aren’t that fun… They’re moving. Let’s go.” Alice grabbed Charlie’s arm to drag her along.

“As much fun as it is to stalk our friend in secret, I think Kyra is right about enjoying the amusement park while we’re here.”

“You want to abandon the mission, too?” Alice peeked over her sunglasses at her.

“No… but can we at least stop at a few booths while they’re lingering right there, too?” Charlie pointed at a booth nearby with a shooting range. “I’ll even win you a stuffed animal.”

Alice glanced over at the booth and her eyes landed on a cute polar bear cub. “Aww, I want him.” She pointed at the polar bear.

“Then you shall have him!”

After eating at various booths and winning a bunch of prizes, Ella’s hands were full of bags.

“Let me carry them for you,” Leon offered again.

“How about we put them in the car?”

“How about I put them in the car, and you sit over here on the bench and rest your feet for a bit? I imagine any kind of heels, no matter if they’re shorter, make your feet extra tired.”

Did he notice my sluggishness, or was he just assuming? “Okay, I think I’ll take you up on the offer.” She handed him the bags and sat down on a nearby bench, stretching her neck out. This place is so busy… I wonder if the girls came to keep an eye on me. She scanned the crowd for her friends, but didn’t see any of them.

“Ella, is that you?”

She froze at the familiar, silvery voice, and her heart rate skyrocketed. No way… It’s not possible… She stared down at her hands, pretending not to hear him and hoping he would think it was someone else. A pair of black loafers came into her view.


She couldn’t help but look up at him, gripping her hands in her lap. He looked the same as he did all those years ago. His black hair was perfectly styled and dark eyes that seemed to pierce into her. “Sebastian?” She swallowed hard, barely able to squeak out his name.

“It really is you.” His eyes widened. “I can’t believe we’d run into each other here, of all places.”

“Yeah… Funny how things work out.” She gritted her teeth and plastered on a fake smile.

He sat down beside her on the bench and leaned in close. “If must’ve been fate; I’ve been thinking about you lately, and poof, here you are.” His eyes trailed along her. “You’re looking good, as always.”

“Thanks…” I guess… Leon… Please come back soon. She leaned away from him.

“So, what brings you here?”

“I’m on a date.”

“Really? And he left you here alone where other men can prey on you?” 

“Prey on me? You make it sound like I’m some defenceless lamb or something.” That’s the way he’d prefer me to be, isn’t it?

“Aren’t you?” He wrapped a lock of her hair around his finger.

“No, I’m not.” She pushed his hand away, her own trembling.

“I’d never leave you alone like this.” He sighed and brushed a hand through his hair.

Because you’re a controlling prick!

“How about you ditch the new boy-toy and come back to me?”

That’s it! “Boy-toy?” She held up her left hand to show off her ring. “We’re in a serious relationship, not fooling around.”

His expression dropped. “We were engaged once; things change. It also means things can change again.”

“You… You haven’t changed at all, have you?” she huffed.

“Why change when I’m already awesome?”

I wish I could deck him right now, but… She shuddered. I know he’s stronger than me… “It’s been a long time, Sebastian; most people change with time.”

“Are you sure you have? Because you seem like the same woman I wanted to marry back then… Well, your looks have matured a bit; you don’t have chubby cheeks anymore. And you’re much sexier.”

Ew… Please… Where is Leon?

“Charlie, Charlie, Charlie.” Alice tugged on her arm as she watched Ella. “Who is that? Doesn’t Ella look uncomfortable?”

“Hmm? Where’d Leon go?” Charlie asked as she glanced over.

“I think he went to the car because he took all the bags with him. But never mind that. Shouldn’t we go help her?” Alice pointed at Sebastian. “I don’t like the look he’s giving her. And look how close he is to her.”

“Doesn’t he look vaguely familiar?”

“Maybe, but I don’t remember meeting him.”

“No, I mean from a picture or something.” “Really? I don’t know.” Alice used her binoculars to get an up-close look at his face. “I don’t like the look he’s giving her… maybe we should intervene.”

Continued in chapter 12.

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One Life Stand – Chapter 1

Ella sat in a booth at her regular bar with her girl friends, having a drink after a long day of work as concierges at Breakwater Hotel. Ella took a swig of her beer and sighed. “The best part of any workday is when we come here.”

“Shouldn’t the best part of your day be when you go home to that sweet, sexy boyfriend of yours?” Alice nudged her. “Oh wait, it’s been years, and you still don’t want to move out of the employee dorms to live with him.”

“It’s easier for me to live in the dorms! You live there too, so what are you complaining about?”

“The staff housing is fine for me, but you have an alternative! It’s too expensive for me to live near the hotel on my own, so I have no reason to move out.” Alice groaned, wishing she had more money.

“I love going home to my hubby; too bad he’s out of the city so much because he’s travelling.” Charlie puffed her cheeks out as she circled the top of her glass with her finger.

“That’s what you get when you marry a pilot.” Kyra gave Charlie a shoulder hug. “If you wanted someone who comes home like clockwork, you should’ve married an accountant like me.”

“But… how exciting is it to be a pilot?!”

“If that’s your response, then don’t complain.” The girls all laughed.

“Seriously though, Ella.” Alice nudged her. “Has Nathan even talked about marriage with you?” All the girls leaned in, eager to hear her answer.

He’s tried to. Ella thought. “Well, yes, but it feels too early for that, so he agreed to wait…” At least I think he understood…

“Too early? You guys have been together for how many years? You’re doing it again, aren’t you?”

“Doing what?”

They all exchanged tired glances. “Like what happened with Bruce or Justin,” Alice said.

“Or the first one…” Charlie muttered.

“All of them were long-term relationships, and they all proposed to you, but you never said yes. You always said you weren’t ready yet.”

Ella frowned and took another drink. “I actually did say yes more than once; I just never made it down the aisle. Besides, it never felt right!”

“What didn’t? I mean, each time, I thought you were in love.”

“I was, but when it came down to it…” Ella shuddered. “I felt like running.”

“And that’s what you keep doing. Do yourself a favour: if Nathan does one day ask, don’t run away instantly.” Alice poked her in the shoulder.

Ella rolled her eyes. “I doubt he’s going to ask anytime soon.”

“Then I guess you have time to prepare yourself.”

“Prepare myself? How?”

“Prepare yourself mentally to actually say yes!” the girls squealed. “You would say yes, right?” Alice asked.

“Uh…” Would I? She thought about Nathan and all the good times they had together, while both going out on dates and hanging out at home. She imagined him kneeling down and offering her a ring. Her stomach churned. I…

“Ella?” Alice poked her cheek.

“Hmm? What?”

“You went completely silent there and didn’t answer my question.”

“Oh, sorry. What was the question again?”

“I know you heard me.” She pouted. “Fine, I’ll ask again. Would you say yes if Nathan asked for your hand in marriage?”  

“I… Uh…” I know the answer they want, but my mouth refuses to say it!

Her friends sighed. “It’s happening again!”

“N-no… I just don’t know until the moment it happens.” Ella’s cheek twitched.

“She’s not exactly wrong…” Kyra commented. “I mean, even if you think it’s what you want, the moment it happens, things can change.”

Charlie looked at Kyra. “That’s not your way of saying you’re having second thoughts about your hubby, is it?”

“What?! No way; I love my husband!”


“Ella, if you don’t want to marry him, and it’s been a few years, maybe you should stop wasting both your time and his, and break up with him,” Alice suggested.

Ella sighed and took another drink. “I don’t want to…”

“Okay, I think we should head out while we’re still able to walk,” Kyra said, standing up. “I’ll settle our tab this time.”

“Thanks, Kyra, we love you!” Charlie called out.

The next day, Ella went to work with a massive headache.

“I didn’t think you drank that much,” Alice whispered to her while they were being given their specific duties for the day.

“Neither did I, but it sure feels like someone shoved an ice pick in my head.”

Their boss handed them their papers with instructions for the day. “I also have something to talk to you two about. Please come to my office at the end of the workday.” She pointed at Alice and Ella.

“Yes, ma’am,” they both said.

Once they were dismissed, and the other employees left, they turned to each other. “What do you think this is about?” Ella asked. “I don’t remember doing anything bad, did you?”

“Nope; my work has been perfect as always. Maybe it’s not for something bad, but for a raise or promotion.” She rubbed her hands together.

“Why both of us, then?”

“I don’t know,” Alice sighed. “We’ll have to wait until later to find out. Let’s get to work.” Alice smacked her lightly with the papers.


Ella managed to make it to the end of the day without any incidents and without her headache getting any worse. “I don’t want to go in…” she mumbled to Alice as they stood in front of their boss’ door.

“Oh, come on, don’t be a wimp.” Alice knocked on the door.

“Come in,” their boss answered.

Alice opened the door and urged Ella in with her, closing the door behind them. “You wanted to see us?” Alice asked as she glanced around the office. They’d been in there a few times, but never for long, and it never changed. The same pictures and diplomas on the walls, the same full bookshelves, and every inch of the office in its place.

“Yes, our head office is opening a new hotel not too far from here.” She rearranged the papers on her desk. “A hotel resort, actually.”

“Why would they compete with themselves?”

She glanced at Alice. “Because we are filled to capacity so often and don’t have room to expand. And it won’t quite be under the same name.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Anyway, several of our hotels were asked to transfer a couple of staff members to work at the new hotel as a promotion of sorts to you. Both the pay and benefits will be better. Are you two interested?”

“Are you kidding? Of course, we’re interested!”

“Before that, how far is not too far?” Ella asked, thinking about how they’d have to move.

“You don’t have to worry; there are dorms there for you two to live in like you currently do.” She pulled out a map with the spot circled. “It’ll be here. This will be your new pay and additional benefits.” She pulled out another paper.

The other side of the city. That’s not too bad, but it puts some distance between Nathan and me.

“I’ll give you two some time to think it over.”

“I don’t need any time. I’m up for the promotion,” Alice said, her eyes bulging out as she read the new pay.

“I need time to think about it.” Ella gave her a small bow.

“Think about it first, Alice.” She pointed at the door. “That was all.”

“Yes, ma’am.” They both left and walked together to their shared dorm room.

“Can you believe this?!” Alice cheered and hugged her. “And my parents said I’d never get a promotion here.”

“I need to talk to Nathan.” She sat on their couch and pulled out her phone to find she had a text.

‘Are you ready for tonight?’

Tonight? “Alice, did I have plans tonight?”

“Hmm?” Alice flopped down on the couch beside her. She glanced back at the calendar on the fridge. “Oh, it’s date night for you two, isn’t it?”

“Already?” Felt like we just went out.

“What’s with that response? Shouldn’t you be happy about going out?”

“I’d rather stay in…”

“Then have date night at home – at his home – and give him your good news.”

“Why do you sound so sure I’m going to say yes to the job? It’ll take me farther from Nathan than I already am, and I can’t see him being happy about that.”

“It’s not that much farther.”

“In wintertime it is.”

“Touché. So, do you really think he’ll want you to turn it down because it’s farther away?”

Ella shrugged. “Between work and distance, there isn’t that much time for the relationship.”

“And yet it’s lasted years.”

“Because we’ve made it work, but this doesn’t work in my favour.”

“But it’s more money!” Alice rubbed her thumbs against her fingers.

“This is one of the reasons you can’t keep a guy; you value money over people.”

“Not all people.” She nudged Ella. “And you know I don’t like to keep them for too long, anyway.”

“Oh yeah, did you tell Charlie or Kyra about it yet? If we take the jobs, we won’t be working with them anymore, and it’ll be harder to meet up after work for a drink or two.”

“You’re right…” Alice frowned. “Can you break the news to them?”

“I haven’t decided yet, remember? I need to talk to Nathan first. You should talk to them since you’ve already decided to take the new job and abandon them.”

“Ugh… You make it sound so bad…”

“You know that’s how Charlie will see it.”

“I know, I know, but can’t you tell them I got a new job?”

Ella stared at her blankly. “I have enough to deal with on my own. This one’s on you. Now man up or woman up, whatever. I have to get changed; Nathan is on his way.” She waved her phone around.

“Fine… Have fun.” Alice stared at her friends’ numbers on her phone. “Maybe a text is enough…”

A man in a suit with brown hair was waiting outside the entrance to the staff housing. “Nathan!” Ella called out to him, smiling.

“Aren’t you looking gorgeous tonight?” They hugged, and he kept a hold of her waist as he stared into her eyes, unable to stop a small smile from forming.

“Why… are you looking at me like that? Didn’t you say you made reservations or something?”

“Yeah, let’s go.” Arm-in-arm, they headed to his vehicle.

“I’ve always wanted to eat here, but isn’t it a bit expensive?” Ella asked as Nathan escorted her through the front door.

“It’ll be worth it for tonight,” he assured her.

“Where… are all the other customers?” Ella looked around the restaurant. Soft, live music was playing on the stage in the back, but all the tables were empty.

“Here.” The waiter led them to a table and handed them menus once they were seated.

What’s going on? This place is popular, so if it’s empty, then… “Did you rent out the entire place for tonight?” Ella asked, her stomach doing flips.

“Because tonight’s a special night, and I know you don’t like an audience, but you’ve also been dying to go here.”

“A special night? Oh, did someone else tell you about my promotion?” Ella asked in a rush.

“Promotion? No, no one told me about that… I actually meant—”

“They want me to move to a different hotel that’s just starting out. There’s better pay and everything. I haven’t agreed yet since I wanted to talk to you, but it is tempting.”

“I see… I suppose that might complicate things a bit, but I’m still certain I want to do this.” Nathan pulled a red velvet box out of his jacket pocket and knelt down in front of her.

Ella’s eyes widened, and she shook her head.

“Ella Luise, will you marry me?”

Her heart rate increased, and the lump in her throat stopped her from speaking.

He waited for a moment before calling out to her. “Ella?”

“I…” her voice squeaked out. Nearly hyperventilating, she stood and knocked over her chair. “I… can’t.” She took off running out of the restaurant.

“Ella?” Nathan stared at her fallen chair in a daze.

“What are you waiting for, man? Go after her,” the waiter urged him.

“Right…” He rushed out of the restaurant and looked all around, but she was nowhere in sight. He checked his car and through the entire parking lot, to no avail. “Ella…” He thumped his fist on the roof of his car a few times and bit his lip as he fought back the tears.

Continued in chapter 2.

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Wolf in the Office Done, New Novel Soon

Wolf in the Office has completed, and will stay up free for about a month before I pull it to put on Amazon. I hope you enjoyed it, and it’s time to start the next novel: One Life Stand.

One Life Stand

Ella Luise is a concierge at a large hotel alongside her three best friends. Everything is great until her boyfriend proposes to her. She panics and runs away. Four times she’s had her boyfriends propose to her, and not once could she make it down the aisle.

Each time, it seems worse. The urge to get away. This time, she runs into the arms of another man after getting drunk when she went out with her friends. She wakes up in a hotel bed with an engagement ring stuck to her finger.

Ella and her friend Alice transfer to a new hotel as a promotion, and who does she run into? The man she slept with, and he’s her new boss. Leon Hunt. He owns the hotel resort, and in order to get his inheritance and keep the family business going, he had to choose the only woman he’d ever be with.

Will they be able to make it work together? Is there too big of a difference between them? What secrets does Leon have? Will Ella finally make it down the aisle? 

I hope you look forward to reading this contemporary romance.