One Life Stand – Chapter 42

“What’s with the dreamy smile you’ve been sporting for the last few days?” Alice asked as they finished shopping for one of the customers, their hands full of bags, as they took the elevator back upstairs.

“What dreamy smile?” Ella frowned.

“Aw, I ruined it. I noticed it the day after your wedding rehearsal, but figured it’d be best not to mention it. Is it just because your wedding is soon, and for once, you’re excited?”

“And nervous…”

“Most people are.” Alice nodded. “Just no bolting this time.”

It’s like everyone is warning me it’s this time or I’m done for… “No, I don’t think the wedding is the reason for it… but it is Leon.”

“Oh gosh, you’re smiling again! Tell me what happened? You haven’t shared enough when it comes to your relationship with Leon.”

“What about you and Zeke?”

“What about us?”

“You haven’t told us much.”

“Still not much to tell, like the last time you asked.”

“I highly doubt it.” Ella sighed. “By the way, how’d the rehearsal go?” I probably should’ve asked that right away.

Alice snickered. “They got me and Zeke to stand in for you two. It was nice to do once, especially since I never plan on actually getting married.”

Even if you don’t wed, something tells me you might have a long relationship with Zeke. “Everything went well?”

“Mostly; it took so long, and Mrs. Hunt wanted everything exactly the way she imagined it. Plus, there was a break-in or something; some random wedding crasher, even though it wasn’t the actual wedding. We didn’t find anything stolen, and they didn’t make a mess, but some people were creeped out, so she ended up upping security.”

“That’s… weird… I wonder why they were there…”

“Maybe it’s sabotage!” Alice gasped.

“But didn’t you guys check through everything?”

“Yes… I really don’t know. Maybe they were there to eat food and hit on ladies. I mean, it wasn’t what will be at the wedding, but Mrs. Hunt did supply us with some nice food.” Alice shrugged. “There’s no way for us to know. So, are you ready? It’s only two days away.” She nudged her. “Then again, you’ve been in this position before.”

“Alice! You don’t have to point that out!”

Alice stuck her tongue out at Ella and took off once the elevator opened.

“Geez, that girl…” She shook her head and followed behind slowly, not bothering to chase after her.

A chill ran down her spine out of nowhere. Ella glanced over her shoulder, afraid to turn around. No one was there. Maybe there’s just a draft right here… somehow.

“What’s taking you so long, slowpoke? The customer wanted all this to be in their room before they got back,” Alice called down the hall to her.

Ella shook off the feeling and rushed over to Alice. “How are you a professional? Yelling down the hall like that…” Ella set the bags down. “You could end up disturbing the other customers.”

“It wasn’t that loud, and these rooms are good at keeping sound out.” Alice unpacked the bags, setting everything up perfectly.

“Who’s even in this suite? Seems like they plan on staying a while.” Ella set up the flowers in the vase near the window.

“No idea; all I got was a note. Anyway, we’re done here.” Alice glanced at the time. “And just in time to get off work. Woo!” Alice pumped her fist into the air.

“Why do you seem extra excited?” Ella nudged her, smiling.

“I have a date tonight.” Alice danced around.

“With Zeke?”

“Yes… Why?”


Alice frowned. “You’re right; maybe I should find someone else to play with…”

“Did you get bored?”


“Then why mess with a good thing?”

“What if he gets attached and wants something more serious?”

“Does he seem the type?” Ella asked as they left the suite.

“You know what? I don’t know. He’s so… mysterious, and I have no idea what he’s thinking.”

“I guess it’ll be a while before you grow tired of him, if he’s that interesting to you.”

“You may be right.” Alice laughed, a hint of red on her cheeks.

“What are you two girls chatting about?” Zeke popped up in front of them.

“Ah!” Alice yelped and hid behind Ella.

“Why are you hiding? Did you do something wrong?” Zeke asked, his voice a deep growl.

“Ah ha ha… No, I didn’t do anything wrong.” She peeked around Ella at him. “You just popped up out of nowhere… again. I don’t know how you always do that.”

Zeke rolled his eyes and sighed. “I don’t pop up out of nowhere; you just don’t pay enough attention. You’re always off in a little world of your own. Seems you need a bit of grounding.

“Okay, that’s my cue to be… not here. Goodbye, Alice. Zeke.” Ella gave him a head nod and took off, hoping to be out of earshot before they started up again.

Geez, they put my nerves on end when they’re together. Ella hit the button for the elevator and waited. When it opened, Leon was there with a rose. “How… did you know I’d be here now?”

“Uh, Zeke… I definitely wasn’t riding the elevator waiting for you to show up.” Leon handed her the rose.

“Thank you.” I think. “I’m surprised to see you.” She glanced at her watch.

“The meeting ended early.”

“I hope in a good way…”

“Yes, everything’s been going well. I can tell you about the specifics if you want.”

“Ah, no; I’m good.”

He pulled her into the elevator before the doors could close. “Alone in an elevator.” He smirked, wrapping his arms around her. “I’ve always dreamed about having fun in an elevator.”

“There are cameras here, so I’ll pass on that one.”

Leon pouted and glared at the camera in the corner. “Maybe I should set it up remotely to have control over the camera, so I can turn it off should the occasion arrive again. Oh!”

Ella grabbed his attention with a quick kiss. “That much should be okay, though.”

He pulled her flush against him in a hug, her head on his chest as he tried to hide his blushing face. “By the way, I talked to my mom today.”


“She expressed interest in working things out between us, but not until after the wedding. She was quite adamant about that for some reason.”     

I have a feeling that part might have to do with me. “It is only a couple of days away…” Noticing how close it was, Ella’s stomach did a flip. Will I go through with it this time? An image of Sebastian’s face flashed through her mind, and she shuddered. Leon isn’t like him… She had to keep thinking that to help calm herself.

“Ella?” Leon looked back, having released her, and walked out of the elevator.

“Hmm? Oh…” She shook it off, having not even noticed when he let go, and exited the elevator.

“Everything okay?”


Leon took her hand and kissed the back of it. “Whatever’s bothering you, I’ll try to help in any way possible.”

“Uh… Alice said something about someone crashing the wedding rehearsal or something?”

They entered their suite, and Ella went into the kitchen to start supper.

“Yes, but for some reason, no one knows anything about who had popped in or why.” He unbuttoned his suit jacket and sat down at the kitchen table, his eyes on her. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much; we are beefing up security. But still, be careful and tell me if you notice anyone odd or anything suspicious when you’re there. I’d say stay with me the entire time and I’ll keep you safe, but they like to keep us apart while we’re getting dressed up and whatnot.” Leon sighed. “And maybe keep your girls close; I know they’ll look out for you.”

“True; I’m lucky to have them.”

“What are you making, anyway?” Leon wanted to hug her from behind, but he was afraid she’d cut herself with the knife.


“Oh, yummy. I don’t remember the last time I had any.”

“Hope you’re patient, though; takes a while to cook. I really should’ve done this earlier…”

“That’s fine; we can hang out while it cooks.”

Their door burst open, and the girls came rushing in. “Bachelorette party time!” they yelled and headed straight for Ella.

“Wait, what? Since when do we do that?” Ella stopped assembling the lasagna and turned around.

“Since we didn’t get to before, and this time we believe in it.” Charlie smiled and pointed at her. “But you can’t go wearing this.”

I’m afraid to ask… “Where are we going?”

“Not far; the casino in this hotel. We have drinks, games, and maybe a little fun…” Charlie smirked and covered her mouth.

“Wait, what are you girls planning?” Leon asked. “I don’t like the idea of strippers or anything like that…”

“Not confident?”

“What?” Leon stood.

“Stop messing with him.” Zeke popped up behind them. “We’re having our own little party. But so the girls don’t feel like we’re watching, we’ll drink somewhere else.”

“How about here?” Leon suggested. “Besides, I want that lasagna.” He pointed to the unfinished dish on the counter.

“Are you really going to bring strippers here?” Charlie asked.

“What? No! No strippers!” Leon pointed at them. “For either of us. If you really want one, then I’ll have to be the one to do it.”

“Oh! Now that’d be interesting.” Charlie rubbed her chin as she eyed Leon, imagining what was under the suit she always saw him in.

“I agree.” Alice stared at Leon as well.

“Ahem,” Zeke cleared his throat. “I don’t suggest you go around stripping for people; you have an image to uphold.” And he’d rather Alice not pine after his best friend because of it.

“That’s no fun…” Alice pouted. Zeke sent a glare her way, and she retreated behind Charlie. “Why don’t you join in, too?”

“This is getting ridiculous.” Kyra sighed. “Part of the point is to have fun separately tonight. Leon, if you want to strip for Ella, do it on your own time. Now, let’s get this lasagna in the oven, and you boys can drink here and wait for it to be done.” Kyra rolled up her sleeves and went over to help.

Always such a boss girl. I love it. Ella smiled and hugged Kyra. “You’re so awesome.”

“Quit moving your lips and move your hands.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Maybe we should give her a higher position,” Leon whispered to Zeke. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“You’re turning into a stripper, really?” Zeke rolled his eyes. “That incident in college wasn’t bad enough? You want it coming back to light”

Leon choked back his words. He had forgotten some of his escapades from his school years. “You might have a point.”

“So please, keep any more of those moments private… and preferably only do that for Ella.”

He nodded.

Tack. Ella set the timer down in front of him on the table. “Please pull it out when it’s done and wait a little while before eating; it’s better after it has settled.”

“Will do. I guess I’ll see you later. Have fun.” He gave her a quick kiss. “But not too much fun.”

Ella headed off with her girls.

Zeke pulled Alice back for a moment. “Be good tonight, and I’ll reward you,” he whispered into her ear, and she shivered. Zeke released her and sat down at the table with Leon. “Are you sure you don’t want to invite anyone else over for drinks and food? She made a large lasagna…”

“Nope; this is good enough for me. Besides, you know you’re the only guy friend I trust.” Leon went over to the fridge and pulled out a few bottles of beer.

“How about something stronger?” Zeke pulled out a bottle of vodka from a bag Leon hadn’t even noticed.

“I wasn’t planning on drinking too hard, but sure.” He pulled out a few glasses for them to use.

“Here’s to getting married and qualifying to take over when your father decides he’s done with it.” Zeke held up his drink.

“Here’s to my best man, best friend, and my co-owner.”


“You’d be surprised how much my parents love you, and they agreed to put you down as an owner, who will have the same number of shares in the company as me.”

Zeke’s eyes widened. “Why? I told you I didn’t want any of that.”

“Because you are the most deserving person I know, who seems to undercut his worth.”

“I know I’m worth a lot; I just didn’t want to be the ‘head’ of a company or anything. But thank you. That doesn’t mean I’m going to quit the assistant gig and go easy on you, though.”


“You didn’t seriously think I would, did you? You should know better than that by now. Besides, don’t you think it’s time to take the company seriously? You’re not a college boy anymore; you’ll be a married man soon.”

“I know…”


“Ha… Who wouldn’t be? But I’m not nervous about marrying her; she’s always been the one for me.”

“But are you the one for her?” Zeke asked and downed his drink. “I can generally tell when people are certain about one another, but… I don’t mean to alarm you, but she still has an air of uncertainty around her. She might run away.”

“I know she might. If she does, I’ll find her and help her work through things… and everything will be okay.” He picked at the label on the bottle as he thought about it.

Zeke could hear Leon’s voice waver, but decided against mentioning it. “You know, I thought you were crazy all these years, holding off for some woman from your past. Worse than that, a teenage girl you fell in love with when you were a child, and yet you’ll actually be marrying her soon.”

“I know you thought I was crazy; you told me as much on a regular basis. Do you believe in fate now?”

Zeke held his hand up, showing a pea-size. “About this much. I think you got lucky. I think other people would’ve expired their time and been forced to marry whoever their parents chose, or end up giving it all up.”

“Maybe you’re right, and I am lucky, but I also think it was fate, too. I was lucky to run into her in the first place.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t meet you sooner.” Zeke sighed.


“Because you never would’ve been so low with me around, even as a child.”

“I’d probably be on a tighter leash if I met you back then. I’m already attached, but I think either way, you feel a bit like my lifeline.”

“A tighter leash?” Zeke stroked his chin. “What would that entitle?” “Don’t even think about it.” Leon refilled Zeke’s glass. “I like things the way they are.”

Continued in chapter 43.

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