One Life Stand – Chapter 43

“I never knew Kyra loved to gamble,” Ella said to Charlie as they watched Kyra at the poker table.

“She was a champion back in college. Don’t tell anyone, but she was a total hustler. Raked in the cash left and right for a while there.” Charlie’s eyes sparkled as she watched Kyra.

“What happened?”

“She met the man who would become her husband.”

“It’s always surprising how much I don’t know about you gals, even though we’re best friends.” Ella took a sip of her tropical drink.

“It’s impossible to know everything about another person, El.” Charlie wrapped an arm around Ella’s shoulders. “Enough contemplating and drinking; let’s gamble!” She dragged her over to a roulette table. “Now, time for you to be my lucky charm. Take a pick.”

“Shouldn’t you be picking if you’re gambling?”

“Come on, let loose, and bring me some good luck!”

The girls enjoyed themselves on Leon’s dime. After a while, they sat down to eat pub food in the lounge area.

“Since when is pub food this good?” Charlie moaned as she ate.

“Since this is a high-class hotel,” Alice said, picking up another chicken wing.

“But.” She held up her own chicken wing. “It’s chicken wings; how’d they do that?”

“You know, if you’re really planning on working here, you should learn how to eat without getting it everywhere.” Alice held a napkin up to Charlie’s face.

“Planning on? I start on Monday.”

“Oh! Didn’t even give your old job two weeks’ notice then? Wait, does that mean you’ve moved into the hotel and didn’t tell us?”

“She told me,” Kyra said.

Alice’s jaw hung open. “What gives? Why—”

Ella patted Alice on the shoulder. “You know now, good enough, right? I’ll be right back guys; the bathroom’s calling.”

Ella headed into the ladies’ room and used it quickly. She stared at herself in the large mirror for a moment. Ella Hunt… I guess I could get used to that. Hopefully, I’m actually up for it. She took a deep breath and went to leave.

Tack, tack. The door wouldn’t open.

“You have to be kidding me.” She tried a few more times, but it wouldn’t open.

Thud. “Ow!” She kicked the door and hurt her foot. “Hello?”

No one responded.

What’s with this bad luck? Wait, would something have happened if I went to the rehearsal? Is someone after me? But wait, there’d be no reason to be after me. I haven’t even met any crazy exes of Leon’s… assuming he has any. Her heart raced.

“Hello?” Ella called out again. She could feel someone on the other side, but they didn’t say anything. “Can you let me out, please?” Guess I’ll just call someone. She went to pull her phone out, but it wasn’t there.

“If you marry him, you’ll both be ruined…” a deep voice came through the door, but it was muffled like their mouth was covered.

“Oh, no… This can’t be happening.” Ella pounded on the door. “Please let me out,” she cried out. Her breathing went ragged, and she sat down on the floor by the sink. She shook out her hands and counted as she slowed her breathing. Seriously? I know Leon is a bit high profile, but so far, it seemed like we’d be okay, and no one was against us. Okay, his mom is iffy, but as long as Leon is happy, she’s fine. His dad just wants him married, that’s it.

Tack, tack, tack. “Is this locked?” Kyra’s voice came through the door.

“Kyra? Is that you?” Ella rushed up to the door.

“Ella? You’re still in there? The girls thought you went to gamble on your own, since you vanished a while ago.”

“Someone locked me in here, and I don’t know where my phone is.”

“Hold on, Ella; I’ll get an attendant to get you out.”

“Thank you.” Ella let out a sigh of relief. Nothing really happened to me other than a scare, so it’s not a big deal, right?

It took a few minutes, but Kyra came back with someone who had a key, and they opened the door.

“Why would someone lock you in here?” Kyra linked arms with her, afraid to be apart.

“I have no idea.”

“Did you see who it was? I suppose not if you were inside… Did they say anything?”

“It was all muffled…”

“So they did? I guess there’s no chance it was an accident then,” Kyra grumbled as she all but dragged Ella back to their spot in the lounge.

Maybe I shouldn’t mention it at all.

They sat down, and Alice was instantly beside her. “Are you okay?” Alice asked. “Kyra said you were locked in the bathroom.”

“I’m okay; nothing actually happened to me. Felt more like an immature prank than anything,” Ella said.

“But why? Are you finally getting some hate for being with the boss?”

Maybe it is that… “I don’t know, but it’s not like they hurt me. Although… has anyone seen my phone?”

“When did you last remember having it?”

“I’m sure I had it when we got here, but since I’m with you guys, I haven’t used it.”

“Let’s try this first, ladies.” Charlie pulled her phone out and called Ella’s number. “Hello? Who is this?”

“Lost and found.”

“The owner of the phone will be by to pick it up.” Charlie hung up on them. “I guess you did just lose it.”

I’ve never lost my phone before. “I suppose so…” Ella got up and Alice grabbed onto her. “What’s up?”

“That’s what I wanted to ask,” Alice said.

“I’m going to go get my phone.”

“Not alone, you’re not.” Alice stayed attached to her as they headed to the front desk.

“I know this place as well as you; I don’t think I needed an escort.” Ella chuckled.

“You know this has nothing to do with that. First, that weird thing at the rehearsal, and now this? I don’t think you should be alone right now… at least until we figure out what’s going on.”

“Probably just someone being childish; it’s nothing to worry about,” Ella said it more for herself than for Alice.

“I hope you’re right.”

“If someone was actually out to get me, don’t you think they would’ve done something more than locking me in the bathroom?”

“I guess… unless they knew you.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re a bit prone to anxiety attacks, and that situation seems like one that could set it off. We’re lucky Kyra went looking for you.”

They stood at the front desk. “You have my phone?” Ella asked the person there and then told them her phone number and name for confirmation., even though they knew who she was.

The attendant looked at the listing on the phone. “Here you go.” they handed her phone back.

“Thank you. By the way, did you see who handed it in? I’d like to thank them, too.”

“No, sorry; the phone showed up when I took a break.”

“Ah, okay. Thank you, anyway.” Gripping her phone, Ella went back to the lounge with Alice. “So, have you girls had enough gambling and drinking yet?”

“I’m only a little drunk…” Charlie complained.

“Your words are slurring,” Kyra pointed out. “Do we need to call your husband to drag you out of here? He is in town still, right? He said he was going to go to the wedding, and he’s switching jobs, so I assume he’s available.”

Charlie pouted. “But—”

“For someone who misses her husband all the time, you seem reluctant.”

Charlie poked the tips of her index fingers together. “He’s… been restricting my drinking.”



“It shows he cares. Now, I’ve had fun profiting from this party, and having drinks and food, so I think it’s time to head home. Alice—”

“Yup, I’m not letting her out of my sight until she’s in Leon’s arms,” Alice said, saluting.

“Good. I’ve got our drunkard.”

“I’m not drunk yet!” Charlie complained. She thought it took a lot for her to get drunk, and she was certain she knew her limit, though the rest knew she didn’t.

“If you want more, why don’t you drink with your husband? I’m sure he’s stayed up to wait for you to return.”

Ella watched the two of them leave and then turned to Alice. She raised an eyebrow at the odd expression Alice was giving her. “What’s that look for?”

“You’re hiding something, and I don’t like it. I also know you’re like a vault most of the time. Let’s go, too.”

Alice and Ella headed upstairs to Ella’s suite. Inside, they found Leon and Zeke passed out on the couch with several empty bottles around them of various types of alcohol. “Looks like Charlie would’ve preferred their party.” Alice poked at the bottles. Her gaze moved over to Zeke and she smirked. “Perfect chance to mess with him.” She tiptoed up to Zeke and poked his cheek. “Dead asleep,” she snickered and pulled out lipstick to draw on his face.

“What are you, twelve?” Ella rolled her eyes.

“Sometimes, yes.” She made a swirl on his cheek. “Ah!” The lipstick went flying out of her hand, and she found herself pinned to the floor.

“What are you doing?” Zeke grumbled, only half-conscious.

“Hmm…” The commotion woke Leon up. He saw Zeke and Alice, then Ella, and forced himself off the couch. “I don’t want to know what’s going on there… or what will happen.” He bumped into the coffee table and stumbled. Ella caught him, nearly knocking herself over in the process. “Thank you. Bed?”


He nodded.

“Yes, please,” Ella said. She wrapped an arm around Leon to help him to their bedroom as they ignored what was going on, with Alice and Zeke behind them.

As soon as he was in front of the bed, he collapsed on it, asleep.He looks so cute like this. He had a faint hint of pink on his cheeks. Ella struggled with the blanket to tuck him in before slipping in beside him. Am I really ready for it this time? Are you? She stared at him for a while before dozing off.

Continued in chapter 44.

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One Life Stand – Chapter 42

“What’s with the dreamy smile you’ve been sporting for the last few days?” Alice asked as they finished shopping for one of the customers, their hands full of bags, as they took the elevator back upstairs.

“What dreamy smile?” Ella frowned.

“Aw, I ruined it. I noticed it the day after your wedding rehearsal, but figured it’d be best not to mention it. Is it just because your wedding is soon, and for once, you’re excited?”

“And nervous…”

“Most people are.” Alice nodded. “Just no bolting this time.”

It’s like everyone is warning me it’s this time or I’m done for… “No, I don’t think the wedding is the reason for it… but it is Leon.”

“Oh gosh, you’re smiling again! Tell me what happened? You haven’t shared enough when it comes to your relationship with Leon.”

“What about you and Zeke?”

“What about us?”

“You haven’t told us much.”

“Still not much to tell, like the last time you asked.”

“I highly doubt it.” Ella sighed. “By the way, how’d the rehearsal go?” I probably should’ve asked that right away.

Alice snickered. “They got me and Zeke to stand in for you two. It was nice to do once, especially since I never plan on actually getting married.”

Even if you don’t wed, something tells me you might have a long relationship with Zeke. “Everything went well?”

“Mostly; it took so long, and Mrs. Hunt wanted everything exactly the way she imagined it. Plus, there was a break-in or something; some random wedding crasher, even though it wasn’t the actual wedding. We didn’t find anything stolen, and they didn’t make a mess, but some people were creeped out, so she ended up upping security.”

“That’s… weird… I wonder why they were there…”

“Maybe it’s sabotage!” Alice gasped.

“But didn’t you guys check through everything?”

“Yes… I really don’t know. Maybe they were there to eat food and hit on ladies. I mean, it wasn’t what will be at the wedding, but Mrs. Hunt did supply us with some nice food.” Alice shrugged. “There’s no way for us to know. So, are you ready? It’s only two days away.” She nudged her. “Then again, you’ve been in this position before.”

“Alice! You don’t have to point that out!”

Alice stuck her tongue out at Ella and took off once the elevator opened.

“Geez, that girl…” She shook her head and followed behind slowly, not bothering to chase after her.

A chill ran down her spine out of nowhere. Ella glanced over her shoulder, afraid to turn around. No one was there. Maybe there’s just a draft right here… somehow.

“What’s taking you so long, slowpoke? The customer wanted all this to be in their room before they got back,” Alice called down the hall to her.

Ella shook off the feeling and rushed over to Alice. “How are you a professional? Yelling down the hall like that…” Ella set the bags down. “You could end up disturbing the other customers.”

“It wasn’t that loud, and these rooms are good at keeping sound out.” Alice unpacked the bags, setting everything up perfectly.

“Who’s even in this suite? Seems like they plan on staying a while.” Ella set up the flowers in the vase near the window.

“No idea; all I got was a note. Anyway, we’re done here.” Alice glanced at the time. “And just in time to get off work. Woo!” Alice pumped her fist into the air.

“Why do you seem extra excited?” Ella nudged her, smiling.

“I have a date tonight.” Alice danced around.

“With Zeke?”

“Yes… Why?”


Alice frowned. “You’re right; maybe I should find someone else to play with…”

“Did you get bored?”


“Then why mess with a good thing?”

“What if he gets attached and wants something more serious?”

“Does he seem the type?” Ella asked as they left the suite.

“You know what? I don’t know. He’s so… mysterious, and I have no idea what he’s thinking.”

“I guess it’ll be a while before you grow tired of him, if he’s that interesting to you.”

“You may be right.” Alice laughed, a hint of red on her cheeks.

“What are you two girls chatting about?” Zeke popped up in front of them.

“Ah!” Alice yelped and hid behind Ella.

“Why are you hiding? Did you do something wrong?” Zeke asked, his voice a deep growl.

“Ah ha ha… No, I didn’t do anything wrong.” She peeked around Ella at him. “You just popped up out of nowhere… again. I don’t know how you always do that.”

Zeke rolled his eyes and sighed. “I don’t pop up out of nowhere; you just don’t pay enough attention. You’re always off in a little world of your own. Seems you need a bit of grounding.

“Okay, that’s my cue to be… not here. Goodbye, Alice. Zeke.” Ella gave him a head nod and took off, hoping to be out of earshot before they started up again.

Geez, they put my nerves on end when they’re together. Ella hit the button for the elevator and waited. When it opened, Leon was there with a rose. “How… did you know I’d be here now?”

“Uh, Zeke… I definitely wasn’t riding the elevator waiting for you to show up.” Leon handed her the rose.

“Thank you.” I think. “I’m surprised to see you.” She glanced at her watch.

“The meeting ended early.”

“I hope in a good way…”

“Yes, everything’s been going well. I can tell you about the specifics if you want.”

“Ah, no; I’m good.”

He pulled her into the elevator before the doors could close. “Alone in an elevator.” He smirked, wrapping his arms around her. “I’ve always dreamed about having fun in an elevator.”

“There are cameras here, so I’ll pass on that one.”

Leon pouted and glared at the camera in the corner. “Maybe I should set it up remotely to have control over the camera, so I can turn it off should the occasion arrive again. Oh!”

Ella grabbed his attention with a quick kiss. “That much should be okay, though.”

He pulled her flush against him in a hug, her head on his chest as he tried to hide his blushing face. “By the way, I talked to my mom today.”


“She expressed interest in working things out between us, but not until after the wedding. She was quite adamant about that for some reason.”     

I have a feeling that part might have to do with me. “It is only a couple of days away…” Noticing how close it was, Ella’s stomach did a flip. Will I go through with it this time? An image of Sebastian’s face flashed through her mind, and she shuddered. Leon isn’t like him… She had to keep thinking that to help calm herself.

“Ella?” Leon looked back, having released her, and walked out of the elevator.

“Hmm? Oh…” She shook it off, having not even noticed when he let go, and exited the elevator.

“Everything okay?”


Leon took her hand and kissed the back of it. “Whatever’s bothering you, I’ll try to help in any way possible.”

“Uh… Alice said something about someone crashing the wedding rehearsal or something?”

They entered their suite, and Ella went into the kitchen to start supper.

“Yes, but for some reason, no one knows anything about who had popped in or why.” He unbuttoned his suit jacket and sat down at the kitchen table, his eyes on her. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much; we are beefing up security. But still, be careful and tell me if you notice anyone odd or anything suspicious when you’re there. I’d say stay with me the entire time and I’ll keep you safe, but they like to keep us apart while we’re getting dressed up and whatnot.” Leon sighed. “And maybe keep your girls close; I know they’ll look out for you.”

“True; I’m lucky to have them.”

“What are you making, anyway?” Leon wanted to hug her from behind, but he was afraid she’d cut herself with the knife.


“Oh, yummy. I don’t remember the last time I had any.”

“Hope you’re patient, though; takes a while to cook. I really should’ve done this earlier…”

“That’s fine; we can hang out while it cooks.”

Their door burst open, and the girls came rushing in. “Bachelorette party time!” they yelled and headed straight for Ella.

“Wait, what? Since when do we do that?” Ella stopped assembling the lasagna and turned around.

“Since we didn’t get to before, and this time we believe in it.” Charlie smiled and pointed at her. “But you can’t go wearing this.”

I’m afraid to ask… “Where are we going?”

“Not far; the casino in this hotel. We have drinks, games, and maybe a little fun…” Charlie smirked and covered her mouth.

“Wait, what are you girls planning?” Leon asked. “I don’t like the idea of strippers or anything like that…”

“Not confident?”

“What?” Leon stood.

“Stop messing with him.” Zeke popped up behind them. “We’re having our own little party. But so the girls don’t feel like we’re watching, we’ll drink somewhere else.”

“How about here?” Leon suggested. “Besides, I want that lasagna.” He pointed to the unfinished dish on the counter.

“Are you really going to bring strippers here?” Charlie asked.

“What? No! No strippers!” Leon pointed at them. “For either of us. If you really want one, then I’ll have to be the one to do it.”

“Oh! Now that’d be interesting.” Charlie rubbed her chin as she eyed Leon, imagining what was under the suit she always saw him in.

“I agree.” Alice stared at Leon as well.

“Ahem,” Zeke cleared his throat. “I don’t suggest you go around stripping for people; you have an image to uphold.” And he’d rather Alice not pine after his best friend because of it.

“That’s no fun…” Alice pouted. Zeke sent a glare her way, and she retreated behind Charlie. “Why don’t you join in, too?”

“This is getting ridiculous.” Kyra sighed. “Part of the point is to have fun separately tonight. Leon, if you want to strip for Ella, do it on your own time. Now, let’s get this lasagna in the oven, and you boys can drink here and wait for it to be done.” Kyra rolled up her sleeves and went over to help.

Always such a boss girl. I love it. Ella smiled and hugged Kyra. “You’re so awesome.”

“Quit moving your lips and move your hands.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Maybe we should give her a higher position,” Leon whispered to Zeke. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“You’re turning into a stripper, really?” Zeke rolled his eyes. “That incident in college wasn’t bad enough? You want it coming back to light”

Leon choked back his words. He had forgotten some of his escapades from his school years. “You might have a point.”

“So please, keep any more of those moments private… and preferably only do that for Ella.”

He nodded.

Tack. Ella set the timer down in front of him on the table. “Please pull it out when it’s done and wait a little while before eating; it’s better after it has settled.”

“Will do. I guess I’ll see you later. Have fun.” He gave her a quick kiss. “But not too much fun.”

Ella headed off with her girls.

Zeke pulled Alice back for a moment. “Be good tonight, and I’ll reward you,” he whispered into her ear, and she shivered. Zeke released her and sat down at the table with Leon. “Are you sure you don’t want to invite anyone else over for drinks and food? She made a large lasagna…”

“Nope; this is good enough for me. Besides, you know you’re the only guy friend I trust.” Leon went over to the fridge and pulled out a few bottles of beer.

“How about something stronger?” Zeke pulled out a bottle of vodka from a bag Leon hadn’t even noticed.

“I wasn’t planning on drinking too hard, but sure.” He pulled out a few glasses for them to use.

“Here’s to getting married and qualifying to take over when your father decides he’s done with it.” Zeke held up his drink.

“Here’s to my best man, best friend, and my co-owner.”


“You’d be surprised how much my parents love you, and they agreed to put you down as an owner, who will have the same number of shares in the company as me.”

Zeke’s eyes widened. “Why? I told you I didn’t want any of that.”

“Because you are the most deserving person I know, who seems to undercut his worth.”

“I know I’m worth a lot; I just didn’t want to be the ‘head’ of a company or anything. But thank you. That doesn’t mean I’m going to quit the assistant gig and go easy on you, though.”


“You didn’t seriously think I would, did you? You should know better than that by now. Besides, don’t you think it’s time to take the company seriously? You’re not a college boy anymore; you’ll be a married man soon.”

“I know…”


“Ha… Who wouldn’t be? But I’m not nervous about marrying her; she’s always been the one for me.”

“But are you the one for her?” Zeke asked and downed his drink. “I can generally tell when people are certain about one another, but… I don’t mean to alarm you, but she still has an air of uncertainty around her. She might run away.”

“I know she might. If she does, I’ll find her and help her work through things… and everything will be okay.” He picked at the label on the bottle as he thought about it.

Zeke could hear Leon’s voice waver, but decided against mentioning it. “You know, I thought you were crazy all these years, holding off for some woman from your past. Worse than that, a teenage girl you fell in love with when you were a child, and yet you’ll actually be marrying her soon.”

“I know you thought I was crazy; you told me as much on a regular basis. Do you believe in fate now?”

Zeke held his hand up, showing a pea-size. “About this much. I think you got lucky. I think other people would’ve expired their time and been forced to marry whoever their parents chose, or end up giving it all up.”

“Maybe you’re right, and I am lucky, but I also think it was fate, too. I was lucky to run into her in the first place.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t meet you sooner.” Zeke sighed.


“Because you never would’ve been so low with me around, even as a child.”

“I’d probably be on a tighter leash if I met you back then. I’m already attached, but I think either way, you feel a bit like my lifeline.”

“A tighter leash?” Zeke stroked his chin. “What would that entitle?” “Don’t even think about it.” Leon refilled Zeke’s glass. “I like things the way they are.”

Continued in chapter 43.

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One Life Stand – Chapter 41

At the end of the workday, while Ella was helping a customer, Leon popped up behind her. Once the customer walked away, he wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Hello there,” Leon whispered into her ear.

“H-hey…” I thought it was just another customer behind me. Glad I didn’t elbow him when he hugged me.

“You’re done with work today, right?”


“Then let’s go before Zeke finds us.” He urged her forward.

“W-wait! I need to get changed out of my uniform.”

“No time; he’ll catch us if we go home. Let’s use the back door.” Leon’s arm around her waist, he rushed down the hall smiling like a schoolboy up to no good.

“Don’t make me run in these shoes; I’m afraid I’ll catch on the rug and trip us both.” There’s not much of a heel to it, but I still don’t want to run in them.

“I’d catch you, but if you’re that worried…” He pulled her in closer and lifted her into his arms. “Then I’ll just have to run for the both of us.” He chuckled and took off for real.

Ella clung to his neck, startled. “Oh my gosh! Weren’t you taught not to run in the halls?”

“Maybe, but that doesn’t mean I’ll listen to those rules when I’m in a hurry.” He rushed through the employee area with her to the back entrance.

Ella couldn’t help but laugh and hide her face in the nook of his neck. I can’t believe he’s doing this.

Outside, he set her down by one of his other cars; an old, blue Camaro he didn’t normally use. “Incognito,” he hummed and opened the door for her.

She sat down in his car and thought back to when his mother showed up. Do I tell him? “So, where are we going?”

“Anywhere? Nowhere? As long as we’re not home for a few hours, we’re all good.”

“One way of saying you don’t have a plan.” Ella sighed.

“It’s okay to go without a plan sometimes.” Leon started the car, and it purred. “Plans can be quite stifling at times.”

He’s probably talking from experience. “Okay, let’s go.”

They drove off without a destination in mind, and his phone off, not wanting to be pestered about the wedding rehearsal. Ella stared out the window, watching as the commercial district turned to residential and then mainly empty fields.

Ring, ring, ring. Ella pulled her phone out, and Leon snatched it from her. “No phones while we’re hiding,” he said, and she took it back.

“Okay.” She made sure it wasn’t her mom calling and turned her phone off. “So, do you really not know where we’re going?”

“I didn’t, at first, but seeing how dark it’s getting, I’ve thought of a place.”

“And? Where is it? We’re kinda out in the middle of nowhere now, and we have work tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry; we’re not that far out of the city.”

A few minutes later, they pulled into the lot for an observatory.

“A nice clear sky is the perfect time to view the stars,” Leon said before getting out of his car. Ella followed him, and he took her hand, linking their fingers together, before entering.

“Is this even open to the public?” So empty…

“Yes, and there isn’t even an entrance fee. That said, I regularly donate to this place.”


The person at the front desk greeted them. “Hello again, Mr. Hunt.” The attendant’s eyes widened briefly when they saw her. “You came with a guest this time. Welcome!”

“Thank you.”

“I hope you enjoy your stay! Please ask if you need help.” They gave a slight bow as Leon and Ella headed inside.

“They know you here, hmm?” Ella nudged him with her elbow.

“I come here from time to time, and I used to come here when I was little and wanted to get away.”

Ella’s brows furrowed. “Did you come here on your own? It’s a bit far away for a kid to come here…”

“Yes, well, I snuck out and used a bus.” Leon chuckled. “Let’s use this one.” He stood in front of a telescope. “It’ll be great to look around on such a clear night, especially since there’s a meteor shower tonight.”

“Oh! A meteor shower? I’ve tried to look at them before, but I either forget the timing, or it’s a complete overcast, and I can’t see anything, anyway.”

“We can go to the roof later to watch the meteor shower.”

“We don’t need the telescope?”

“Nope; this is for looking at other stars, planets, and constellations. Here, I’ll set it up.” Leon tinkered with the telescope until it was set how he wanted it and in the direction he wanted to start. “Here, have a look.” He stepped back.

Ella looked through, up at the stars. “Wow, I thought it’d be too early to see it so clearly.”

“Helps to be away from the city, and this time of year it gets darker earlier, so it’s easier to see them.”

Leon got a book from the attendant and held it out to Ella. “You can choose constellations from this section, and I can help you find them. We can also look for planets—”

“Oh! Planets! I want to look at those. Will they only look like stars, or can we see more detail?”

“They have pretty strong telescopes at this place, so we’ll see more.” Leon was actually the reason they had the best telescopes that were available to them.

Leon and Ella took turns looking through the telescope, staying close to each other for hours.

“Time to head upstairs.” Leon pointed up.

“Are we allowed up there?”

Leon smirked. “I am.” They rounded the stairs and the metal door at the top opened up to the roof.

“There’s no telescope up here?”

“No, but you don’t need a telescope to see the meteors.” Leon took his jacket off and laid it down on the ground. “Please, have a seat.”

“Aren’t you going to be cold?”

“Not as long as we cuddle close.” He pulled her down to sit between his legs. Leon wrapped his arms around her as they gazed up at the sky awaiting the meteors. “So, are you finally going to tell me whatever it is that’s been on your mind since I dragged you away from work?”

Ella glanced back at him and bit her lip. “Your mom showed up at lunchtime.”

Leon flinched. “She didn’t do anything to you, did she?”

“No, she…” How much should I tell him?

“What’d she do?”

“Well, she knew you were going to skip out on the rehearsal already.”

Leon cringed. “Not out of the realm of normalcy for me when it comes to events… Still surprised she guessed it.”

“And she was worried about you. I know you think there’s nothing left to salvage, but talking to her, I got the feeling that she actually cares about you and is quite remorseful when it comes to your relationship. She realized she messed up by not giving you enough attention—”

Leon cut her off with a kiss, his hand on her cheek, keeping her there.


“Does it matter now? It’s all in the past.”

She moved back. “It’s not in the past, though; your relationship is damaged now, and I can tell she wishes things were different. It’s too bad both of you are so stubborn.” Ella sighed and looked up. “Hey, a meteor!” She pointed at the sky.

Right when Leon looked up, another meteor showed up.

A chilly wind blew by, and they cuddled up close to stay warm as they watched the magnificent view of meteors streaming through the sky.

He leaned in close to her ear to whisper, “Do you really think it’s possible for me to change how I feel about my mother, at least? I doubt my father has any interest in reconciling.”

“If both of you are willing to try, then yes, I think it’s possible. But something tells me you two have a lot to work out. You could always try therapy.”

“Would you go to therapy?” Leon asked.

“Me? Ha… No; they scare me…” It’s too dark in the corners of my mind, so I’d rather not prod it. “Wait, is this your way of telling me I need therapy for my… running issues?”

“No, I actually was wondering if you’d come with me and my mom, but I guess you’d be seen as a security blanket there…” He rubbed his chin and pursed his lips as he thought.

“How is this not about my issues?” Ella mumbled.

“Hmm? Well, in case I didn’t say it before, even if you run away, I’ll find you and make sure you feel safe again.” He winked at her. “You’re mine for life, Ella.”

“Ha…” He’s always surprising me with how sweet he is. I expected him to say he’d catch me… “I would go with you if you wanted me to, but I don’t think I should; as you said… I’d be a security blanket.” Wait, doesn’t that mean he feels safe with me somehow? Ella smiled as she looked back up at the stars.


She turned to see Leon with his phone out, smiling as he took a picture of her. “Sorry… I couldn’t help it; I’ve never seen that look on your face. What brought it on?”


“Never mind; it doesn’t matter. I’m just glad I got to see it.”

A wind blew by and she shivered.

“I think it’s time we go home.” Leon looked at his watch. “The rehearsal should be done, anyway.”


Continued in chapter 42.

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One Life Stand – Chapter 40

Ella woke up the next morning encompassed in warmth from Leon being wrapped around her. Her mind wandered to the previous day, and her face burned instantly. I guess he wasn’t kidding about not holding back anymore…

Grumble. Ella’s hand went straight to her stomach. Stupid stomach, be quiet! I guess I can’t blame it, though; we probably burned a lot of calories. The red crept up to her ears. Leon was right; my mind is dirty.

A light breeze blew by her ear, and she jumped. “Ah!” She clapped a hand over her mouth and glanced back to see Leon staring at her with a smile on his face. “Don’t do that!”

“Sorry, but you must be thinking about last night; even your ears are red. I’m up for a repeat performance if you want.” Leon cuddled up to her.

Yes… “Nope! It’s almost time to get up and get ready for work.”

“Oh, right… and we have a wedding rehearsal tonight. I was going to tell you yesterday, but I got… distracted.”


“You don’t sound too excited.”

“It’s a rehearsal…” It’ll make me more nervous, not less.

“We can skip it.”

“What? How? It’s for our wedding…” Ella turned around in his arms. “Aren’t there vows or something we have to go over?” I don’t know what they’ll get me to say.

“I told her to let us make it up as we go. She said no and wrote something up, but I plan on ignoring it. But as long as they have a stand-in for us, and they end up knowing who goes where and whatnot, it’d be fine to skip it.”

“I’d rather not get on your mom’s bad side.”

“I appreciate that, but she’s got too many bad sides; you’re bound to find at least one of them directed at you.”


“She has everything under control, so I don’t know why she wants a rehearsal.” Leon rolled his eyes.

It’s only the times when he’s talking about his parents that I can tell how young he is.

“Besides, I’d rather stay at home with you after work than have to deal with it…”

“On that note, we should get up.”

Leon pouted and brushed his fingers through her hair. “I’d rather spend all day in bed with you.”

“Don’t you have important work to do?”

“Yes, and eventually Zeke would drag me out of bed, even if he had to break the door down.”

“I think I’m going to get dressed now.” Geez… I have to worry about someone forcing their way into here? Maybe I need Alice to rub off on him a bit, so he’ll give a little slack. Ella kept the blanket held up, covering her chest. “Aren’t you going to get up?”

“I was hoping to enjoy the view first.”

Her mouth hung open. “Leon!”

“Alright, alright, I’ll get up too, so we both get to enjoy the view.” He winked at her and slipped out of bed right away.

Ella turned away. If I wasn’t blushing hard before, I definitely am now. He has no shame! Not that he has any reason to be… She took a deep breath and rushed to put on her regular work clothes that Leon had insisted she keep in his room as extra. By the time she turned around, Leon had suited up and was staring at her.

“Sorry; I couldn’t help myself.”

“I’m going to make breakfast.” She rushed past him in a huff.

Leon slapped his hand against the bedroom door and loomed over her. “You’re not actually mad, are you? I’ve seen all of you already, so I didn’t think it was a big deal. But if you are, I can always do something to make it up to you.” He brushed a strand of hair back behind her ear.

“How about you lovebirds quit flirting?” Zeke’s muffled voice came from the other side of the door.

Ella jumped and stared at the door. “I guess we barely made it in time,” she whispered.

“Guess so,” Leon sighed and opened the door when she moved aside. “Did you really have to interrupt?”

“Yes.” Zeke pointed to the food on the table. “I figured you two might be late getting up, so I made breakfast for you. Now eat, or we’ll be late for the first meeting.”

“Thank you.” Ella avoided eye contact with him as she walked past. Croissants? And they’re fresh! She put the chocolate spread sitting open on the table on it and dug in. “Mmm…” Oh gosh, when was the last time I had something like this?

Leon chuckled, sipping on his coffee as he watched her.

“What?” Ella asked, pouting. He already finished eating? Did I take that long? Or did he only eat one?

“You’ve got some chocolate on your face.” He pointed at his own cheek to show her.

She wiped both sides, but somehow missed it.

He laughed again and approached her. “Over here.” He brought his hand up to her cheek and leaned in. With a kiss, he licked her cheek.

“H-hey! What are you doing?” She pulled away.

“Mmm… maybe I should’ve put chocolate on mine, too. It’s delicious, or maybe it’s just you— Ah!” Leon yelped as Zeke dragged him away by his ear.

“Breakfast time is over. We have to leave. Goodbye, Ella,” Zeke said as he continued to pull Leon along.

“One second!” Leon managed to get out of his grasp. He rushed up to Ella and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “I’ll see you tonight.” Zeke wrapped his arm around Leon’s neck and dragged him out the door.

“I can’t tell if Zeke’s his assistant or animal trainer…” Now, what to do today?

Ella cleaned up and proceeded to help Jenny around the hotel.

Ella returned to their suite at lunch to find Mrs. Hunt sitting on their couch.

“Hello, Ella dear.” She patted the seat beside her. “Let’s have a chat.”

A chill ran down her spine. “O-okay…” She kept a bit of space between them and sat down. “Is something wrong?”

“I have to ask… is Leon planning on skipping the rehearsal today, and he doesn’t even plan on giving me a heads-up?”

Ella froze, tight-lipped as she stared at Molly.

“Ha… I thought so. That boy of mine… I know you two think I know nothing about him, but I know enough to predict this.”

“Isn’t it better not to force it?”

She sighed. “I just want this all to go well, and if you two aren’t there—”

“You can’t control everything that will happen, but I trust that you have everything ready the way it needs to be, and can take care of things as they happen,” Ella said.

“Oh!” Molly’s eyes widened slightly. “I… I didn’t think you thought highly of me at all, so that was unexpected. By the way, I hope you’re feeling better.”

“Much better.”

“I don’t want you getting sick right before the wedding.”

“I’m feeling perfectly fine.”

“So, you’re not going to run away and leave him at the altar, are you?”

Ella’s eyes widened, and she gripped her hands tightly in her lap. “What… are you talking about?” I think people asking about it makes it all that much worse…

“I have looked into you extensively, and I know about some of your past engagements. I’ve seen how much Leon loves you, and I don’t want things to go wrong, and for you to leave him heartbroken.”

“Considering the jobs on the line, and apparently my feelings for Leon, I don’t think you have to worry about it.” I hope, anyway.

“Look, I know about that old stupid tradition and the special ring currently on your finger, but… I don’t want you getting too close to him if you’re going to leave.”

Too late for that.

“His father is the only one who cares about those stupid ‘rules’ for Leon to take over, but I always wanted to use them to weed out the users and make sure he didn’t have a child out of wedlock.”

“Wait, what?” I thought she wanted those rules followed because they had to.

“There are so many women who would throw themselves at Leon for his looks and money, but the weight of the rules will scare most of them away. Some even go after him with the thought of getting pregnant to latch onto him, but between the bodyguards, rules… and I’m assuming that distant longing for you, he never gave into temptation. I want Leon to marry someone he loves, but I also want them to love him just as much. I’ve been thinking about the past a lot lately and thought about what you said to me… I know things were hard, but I never should’ve neglected Leon like I did. I didn’t even notice I was doing it.” She shook her head and wiped the corner of her eyes. “Or I chose to deny it, I don’t know…” She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

I guess she does care about him. I don’t know about in the past, but this woman cares about her son… and she’s worried about me ruining him. The worst part is, I can’t blame her, and she’s not wrong to be worried.

“I suppose it’s too late to be dwelling on the past like this.” Molly sighed.

“You sound just like Leon; he thinks it’s too late to reconcile with the two of you.”

“I can’t blame him for that either. Both of us… aren’t too great at admitting we did things wrong, so it’d be hard to apologize.”

“And yet you’re so open with me, the future daughter-in-law you barely know.”

Her brows furrowed as she thought. “I suppose… you’re easy to open up to. Besides, if I have any chance of turning my relationship around with Leon, I have a feeling you’ll be right in the middle of it. Anyway.” She stood. “I only came to see how you were doing and to have a little chat.”

Ella stood, and Molly put her hand up to stop her.

“You don’t need to see me off. You don’t need to come to the rehearsal either; I already wrapped that friend of yours into being a stand-in. Just, on the wedding day, make sure you go through with it and don’t break my precious son’s heart.” Molly left.

Ella sighed. I swear my mouth has a mind of its own. At least we don’t have to go there tonight… Wait, isn’t the wedding rehearsal normally within a few days of the actual wedding? She pulled out her tablet to look at Leon’s schedule and froze. Oh crap… I didn’t think it was that soon!

Continued in chapter 41.

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One Life Stand – Chapter 39

The girls woke up a bit late in the morning and heard someone talking in the kitchen.

“Probably Zeke…” Charlie muttered and laid back down.

“I’ll take a peek and make sure everything’s okay.” Ella made sure not to step on her friends as she headed to the door.

In the kitchen, Ella spotted someone she never expected to see there. She rushed back into the bedroom and shook Charlie’s shoulder. “There’s someone for you in the kitchen.”

“For me? Here?” Charlie groaned as she got to her feet, her hair in complete disarray.

“Wait, wait.” Ella tugged on her arm before she could reach for the doorknob. “You have a serious case of bedhead.” Ella combed through Charlie’s hair with her fingers, trying to tame it. “Okay, get going.” Ella pushed her out of the room.

“Who’s here?” Alice asked, combing her fingers through her own hair.

“See for yourself.” Ella followed Charlie out, but tried to stay back a bit.

“Harvey?!” Charlie squealed and charged towards him.

He stood from his seat at the table in time for Charlie to jump him. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and gave him a big kiss.

“Happy to see you, too.” He chuckled and kissed her.

“I’ve missed you so much…” She showered him in kisses and pulled back a little. “But why are you here?”

“Mr. Hunt here—”

“Please, just call me Leon,” Leon insisted.

“Leon wanted to talk to me about a job offer.”

Charlie set her feet back on the floor. “A job offer? You’re a pilot… so what job could he offer you?”

“Private pilot for his company. There will still be times when I have to fly far away and be gone for a while, but I will be home more… if I take this job.”

“Really?” Charlie’s face lit up.

“I’ll even make more…”

“This feels too good to be true.”

“Agreed, which is why I’m not sure I should accept.”

“Are you crazy? More money and more home time; don’t look a gift horse in the mouth!” Charlie gripped the front of his shirt as she looked up at him with hope in her eyes. “I love you, but I definitely don’t see enough of you.”

“Agreed,” the girls all said.

Harvey chuckled and glanced over at them. “Hello, girls, it’s good to see you again.”


“I know he can seem sketchy because he’s too good to be true, but knowing Leon, he’s serious about this offer,” Ella said.

Leon looked at her with a raised eyebrow, his head tilted to the side in wonder. How was he supposed to take that? “I can even work it so you two could have a place here, but I think I’d want Charlie working here then, but it also wouldn’t feel right to separate them, so Kyra could work here too. And I know she’s an excellent worker, so that would work in my favour. What do you say, girls? Do you want to work here, too? We’re actually a bit light on staff; we’ve been busier than expected.”

“Oh my gosh!” Charlie turned to Kyra and held onto her hands. “What do you say, girl? Wanna work here?”

Kyra frowned. “It’s a bit far from my house… and I’m not sure I want to leave home that early to get to work.”

“Aww, come on; don’t be like that.” Charlie pouted.

“Char…” Harvey called out to her. “Don’t pressure Kyra.”

Charlie rolled her eyes and grumbled. Harvey sighed, shaking his head. “It’s her choice to make.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to work here, but it takes a while to get to my current work by bus as it is.” Kyra cringed, thinking about the longer commute. She’d rather have more time in the morning with her kids, not less.

“Can you drive?” Leon asked.

“Yes, and we have a car, but my husband uses that one.”

“Do you want your own car?”

“What? No; you can’t offer me something like that.”

“It’s hard to be generous sometimes. How about I let you use a company car instead? Just make sure to drive safe and bring it in for maintenance once a month.”

“I don’t know…”

“It’ll probably make the trip shorter than when you’re heading to your current work.”

“I’ll have to talk to my husband about this.”

“Of course.” Leon nodded. “We’d be glad to have both of you here.” He also knew Ella would love for them to be around as well.

Charlie turned her attention back to her husband. “Are you going to take the job?”

“I’m thinking about it, yes. Would it make you happy?” Harvey asked.

“More than you could imagine.” Her eyes sparkled as she looked up at him. He didn’t know what she would be willing to do or give up if it meant more time with him.

He chuckled. “If it makes you that happy, how could I say no to it?”

She squealed, grabbed his tie, and pulled him down to her for a deep kiss. “Thank you.” She pulled away for a moment and was back at it.

“Come on, get a room, you two!” Alice jabbed her in the back with a finger.

Charlie laughed. “Sorry; I’m just so happy!”

“Then why don’t you get changed and head home with your hubby? This is the PDA you complain about so much.”

“Only when it’s other people.”

Harvey put his hands on Charlie’s shoulder and walked her towards Ella’s bedroom. “Let’s grab your stuff and go. Thank you, Leon,” he called back to him.

“You’re welcome; it’s my pleasure.” Leon smiled at them.

“What are you up to?” Ella stood beside him and stared at Charlie. “Trying to drag all my friends to this hotel for work with better pay and benefits… Are you trying to butter me up?”

“Is it bad if I say yes? As I told Kyra, we could use the experienced staff, but they’re also like sisters to you, so I’d rather they be nearby.”

Ella stood on the tip of her toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “You’re so sweet, thank you.” I think he’s always been this sweet.

Leon’s eyes widened a bit, and he smiled again.

“Aren’t you two as sweet as a box of chocolates?” Alice giggled. “Dammit, now I’m hungry…”

“I’m glad everything seems to be working out. I think I should head home,” Kyra said. “I’ll get back to you as soon as possible, Leon.”

“Alright, I await a favourable reply.” He winked at her. “Zeke, drive her home, please.”

“Yes, sir.” Zeke popped up beside them.

“Holy crap.” Alice jumped back. “Where’d you come from? I didn’t even know you were here.”

“You’re not observant enough, then. We’ll have to work on that,” Zeke hummed as he thought.

“What? Why?”

“Because that means you might miss things while working. Admittedly, most of your work seems good, but there’s room for improvement.”

“I don’t know… I think I’m good enough as I am.”

Zeke leaned in close, staring deep into her eyes, and smiled. “But I’ll reward you for being better.”

Alice bit her lip as she thought.

“I promise I’ll make the training worth your while.” Zeke narrowed his eyes.

Damn, he’s got that scary snake vibe to him. Ella glanced up at Leon, who just shrugged.

“Damn…” Alice muttered, melting under his gaze. “Fine! You win! Dammit… why can’t I win against you?” she huffed.

Zeke kissed her on the forehead and got ready to take Kyra home.

“Thank you,” Kyra said. “Charlie was my ride, but I don’t think I’d want her driving me home now.” She could barely stand Charlie driving her there in the first place.


“Feels like this place is clearing out fast,” Alice said, pouting as Zeke left. “Only three remain… and I instantly feel like a third wheel. I think I’ll get ready to head back…”

“Why don’t you have breakfast with us first? Zeke made it.” Leon gestured towards the stack of chocolate chip pancakes sitting on the counter.

“Zeke’s cooking?” She salivated at the thought of it. “Those look good, but—”

Leon held a hand up. “You’re not intruding. Sit and eat; he made too many for just the two of us.”

“Thank you!” Alice leaned in close to Ella. “Keep him, please,” she whispered and helped herself to a plate of pancakes.

I’m thinking I will… or at least I hope I will…

By the time Alice left, half of the day had already passed. Ella closed the door behind Alice, and stood there for a moment, overly conscious of the fact she was alone with Leon.

What a silly thing; we’ve been alone together quite a bit. What’s different now?

“Are you okay?” Leon asked, and she jumped. “Sorry I scared you.”

“Ah, no, I was just lost in thought.”

“Uh oh… Is everything okay? Last time you got lost in thought like this, you ended up sick.”

“That was because of stress, not overthinking… Maybe you have a point there.”

“If there’s something bothering you, you can talk to me. I’ll help in any way I can.”

“You want to know what’s on my mind?”

Leon nodded, lightly gripped her shoulder, and glided his hand down to take her hand. “Yes; I want to know what’s on your mind. Good or bad, I want to hear it.” He braced himself for bad news.

You can do this, Ella. She sighed as she gazed up at him with lidded eyes. “You’re so amazing and sweet, and I don’t know if I deserve you, but I definitely care for you and want you. I’m terrified of this relationship, and I don’t think anyone but me can work through that, but I’m trying to make sure I have my resolve to see this through… Ha…” She gasped, out of breath.

Leon took a moment to process everything she said. “You want me?” he finally spoke, his mouth twitching up on one side until a full smile took over. “I’ve dreamt of you saying that to me.”

That’s the one thing he heard?

He laughed and covered his eyes with his hand. “I’m so happy right now I could jump around like a kid… But really, you deserve the best, and I don’t know if I’m that, but I’ll try to be.”

Taking the opportunity while he couldn’t see her, she stood on the tip of her toes and kissed him on the lips.

“Mmph!” He was startled, but only for a moment. He wrapped his arms around her before she could step back and pulled her in closer, flush against him. “I hope this means what I think it means.”

“That I’ve finally come around?” At least I think I have…

“Ha… I know I was hoping it would happen before the wedding, but I wasn’t sure it would, especially with the short timeline for it. I’m so glad it did.” He sighed and hugged her. “I love you so much, Ella.” His warm breath passed by her ear with those words, and her entire body tingled.

“Oh.” She hugged him back, her heart racing. Seriously, Ella, what in the world are you nervous about?

He pulled away enough to kiss her deeply, trying to express all his strong emotions, until her knees went weak. “I hope this means I don’t have to hold back so much anymore.” He lifted her into his arms and headed straight for his bedroom, kicking the door in. He laid her on his bed and closed the door in case Zeke popped back in.

Ella watched him come back towards her as her pulse kicked up another notch, and he knelt down beside her.

“We have the rest of the day free.” He kissed her fingers. “And I intend to love every part of you.” He kissed her wrist and trailed up her arm, leaving heat behind his every touch. “I hope you’re ready for it.” The bed pushed in as he leaned over her. He kissed her neck and slipped a hand under her PJs.

“Mmm!” How am I so sensitive already?

“You don’t have to hold back at all with me.” He caressed her body as he slipped her shirt off.

Ella writhed from his touch and bit her lip. Oh gosh, I thought this before, but his touch feels so different from the others.

“Always so sexy.” He kissed her on the lips again. She wrapped a hand around the back of his head to deepen it. “Ha… I wanted to take my sweet time, but you’re making it hard.”

“I am?” She smirked.

“You’re teasing me on purpose?” his voice dropped to a low growl. “Naughty girl.”

“Maybe I’m just eager.”

“Funny, me too.” He chuckled, and she could feel the vibrations through him.

“Damn, I think you’re driving me crazy.” She grabbed at his shirt to pull it open.

“Hmm… Likewise again… But you always drive me crazy… in a good way.” He trembled as she slid her hands down his chest and grabbed his belt. “Yup, I’m not going to be able to hold out much longer. I want you too much.”

Continued in chapter 40.

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One Life Stand – Chapter 38

Ella, Alice, Charlie, and Kyra sat on Ella’s bed in a circle, all of them in PJs and hugging a pillow, except Ella, who had Penny her penguin. After a game of rock-paper-scissors, Ella and Kyra won the bed, and Charlie and Alice had to use the sleeping bags on the floor.

“Shouldn’t we just watch movies?” Ella asked.

“We will get to that eventually, but everyone will probably pass out during it, so we have to chat first,” Charlie said.

“What’s there to chat about? Has something happened? Ow!” Ella yelped, holding her arm where Alice punched her.

“You’re the one with everything going on lately. Now spill.” Alice leaned in close to her. “How are things going with Leon?”

“I… I don’t really know.” She cringed. “I mean, I can tell how much he cares about me, and I’m comfortable around him, but…”

“You don’t know if you’re in love with him yet?” Kyra asked.

“I guess that’s it. This wedding is being pushed forward by his parents before I’ve had a chance to figure out my feelings. I mean… I have no doubt he’d do his best to make me happy—”

“How is he in bed?” Charlie asked. “You have done it more than that one drunken night that brought this all on, right?”

“We’re waiting… sort of…”

“That’s a definite yes.” She snickered. “And why wouldn’t you? He’s as fine as wine and got a dream personality.” Charlie bit her lip, thinking about him.

“Charlie, honey, I think you need to make time to see your husband.”

Charlie nodded. “You’re not wrong, but I’m not either.”

The girls laughed.

“Things happened… but it was only one more time. It’s not like it’s on the regular.” Ella screamed into her pillow, red up to her ears. “I felt safe enough to sleep beside him without worrying he’d try anything, though.”

“Worried he’d try something?” Charlie let out a long, drawn-out sigh. “You should let him. Such a waste…”

Ella’s expression dropped. “If you knew what it was like for someone to be forceful with you when you didn’t want it, then you’d know how nice it is to have someone who knows when to back off.”

Charlie drew her hand across her mouth, zipping her lips.

Kyra patted Ella on the back. “Charlie didn’t mean anything by it. She just misses her husband and found your liquor cabinet before you came home.”

“She was drinking? I can’t even tell.”

“I tried to sober her up a while ago, but I imagine there’s still some alcohol in her system. I really wish he’d get more domestic flights versus international ones, so she wouldn’t end up like this.” Kyra sighed.

Charlie pouted, her eyes tearing up. “Ah!” Alice lunged to give her a hug.

“I know it’s not the same, but at least you have us.” Alice snuggled up to her.

“Definitely not the same, but thank you. I know I’m lucky to have you girls. And soon, you’ll be the only unmarried one,” Charlie said to Alice.

“And I plan to stay that way.”

“What about Zeke?”

“What about him?”

“Lasting longer than the fling I was expecting it to be.”

“I’m still having fun, so I’m still keeping him around.” Alice shrugged. “By the way, did you see the bride’s maid dresses we got?” Alice asked Ella, not sure who picked them out.

“You got them already? We only just ordered them,” Ella said.

“By the way, who’s going to be your maid of honour?” They each leaned in towards her.

Technically, Alice knows me best, but Kyra is the most organized… There’s no way I can actually choose between them! “Not sure I’ll have one like that…”

“That’s bull!” Charlie yelled. “Leon’s mother told us you had to choose that, or it would end up being one of her nieces… or something like that.”

“Fine, either draw straws or play rock-paper-scissors to choose, because I refuse.” Ella leaned away from them, her mouth in a tight line.

“You heard the lady!” Charlie held her fist out. “Time to battle for it.”

“Feels silly, but alright.” Kyra held her hand out.

“You’re going down!” Alice joined in.

“Rock-paper-scissors, shoot!” They all chanted. Each of them chose something different, so they went again and again until they grew tired.

“How in the world are you lot managing that?” Ella sighed. “You either all stick to the same one, or all change what you’re using and still end in a draw.”

“Ugh, what can we draw straws with?” Charlie asked, tired of it.

“How about the first one to guess the number I’m thinking between one and one hundred wins?” Ella suggested. The number fifteen…

“Seven!” Charlie cheered. “You always pick seven.”


“Seventy-seven,” Alice said. “Double the fun.”


Kyra looked at her thoughtfully for a moment. “Fifteen.”

Ella’s eyes widened. “Correct! How’d you know?”

Kyra smirked. “The age you met Leon.”

Her jaw hung open. “I think you listen the most out of us… I know I mentioned meeting him then, but I didn’t think anyone would remember that. I totally thought you all would end up just counting up or down until you got the right number.”

“Damn girl; you really have fallen for him, haven’t you?” Charlie asked, nudging her.

“Have I?” Her brows furrowed. I’m fond of him at least, but have I fallen for him?

“Do you think about him all the time?”

“Do you worry about him?”

“Do you daydream about him with his shirt off?”

The three girls gave Charlie a blank stare.

“What? Aren’t you guys being too uptight? This is a sleepover…” Charlie grumbled. “You guys are no fun.” Charlie rolled back off the bed and landed on her pillow, pouting.

Ella buried her face in her pillow as she thought. “But doesn’t it make sense for me to think about him a lot, considering we’re engaged? And isn’t it normal to worry about the people around you?”

Kyra stroked her head. “Face it; you’ve grown to care for him.”

“Why do you look upset about it? This is a good thing.” Alice nudged her.

Ella let out a resounding sigh.

“What is it?”

“I just…”

“Come on, you can tell us; we love you no matter what.”

Ella looked at them, her lip trembling. “Every time I think about being in love and getting married now, I get anxious. I can’t even say it’s now. It’s been that way since Sebastian.”

“But you loved Nathan, didn’t you? And the others enough to get engaged anyway… right?”

Ella cringed. “I cared for them, but I don’t know if it was love.” Other than Sebastian until he changed. “I liked being with them, but… there was always something missing and I always ran away… I didn’t even get engaged to Nathan, despite how close we were.”

“Do you think there’s something missing between you and Leon?’

“I don’t know. At the moment, I’m just thinking about how seriously damaged I am.”

“And yet he still loves you,” Charlie said. “Ow!” she yelped when Kyra pulled on her ear. “What’d I do? I meant it in a good way. He knows about your past and still wants you.” Charlie covered her ear and scooched farther away from Kyra.

“Stop looking at yourself as damaged goods,” Kyra said.

Kinda hard not to.

“As much as I loathe to ask, do you want to see a therapist?” Alice asked.

“Ha… No… I have a feeling I’d curl into a ball and try to avoid romantic relationships altogether.”

“Are you suggesting this is because her father left?” Charlie asked. “No, not again!” She covered her ears and Kyra rolled her eyes.

“What are you afraid of when it comes to love and marriage?” Kyra asked, trying to get to the root of it all. “Do you think he’ll leave?”

Ella thought about Leon for a moment. She was still amazed he was hoping to end up with her after so many years, which spoke to his commitment to her. “He’s been pretty adamant about being with me, so I don’t think so.”

“I think this is all because of Sebastian,” Alice blurted out. “You were in love with him, and he screwed it all up! Lying, cheating, scumbag!” Alice growled and bit the pillow. “He is not one you should talk to, though. Nothing good can come from that.”

“Does that mean you think Leon might cheat on you?” Kyra asked.

“Right now, he won’t… but what if down the line things change?” Ella snuggled up to Penny.

“But didn’t you sign a contract or something? If he messes up, you can take him for everything he owns. I don’t think he’d be dumb enough to do that. Besides, he loves you. If you noticed the way he looks at you, he’s completely smitten, and would do his best to give you the moon if you asked.”

The girls definitely think highly of him. “So you think I don’t have any reason to worry about marrying Leon? I’ll be safe from a broken heart?”

“Maybe take solace in the fact he’s more in love with you than the other way around. It’s good to be the one with the power,” Charlie said.

Ella nodded. “I guess so…”

“Has he given any reason to doubt him?” Kyra asked.

“No… He’s been as perfect as a person can be. He’s sweet, kind, and caring… You can tell he’s a bit of a softy, but he’s also strong.” Probably because he’s always had to be to keep going. “He might be a bit too eager to be accommodating, but that’s just nitpicking.”

“If that’s your only complaint, I think you have a winner. How does he make you feel in general?”

“Special. Even though I’m not really.”

“You’re special to us and him.” Alice hugged her.

“Man, I really wish you could see your face when you think of Leon,” Charlie said. “Such a woman in love, and you can’t even tell. Well, Miss Smitten, you should admit your feelings to him while we eat popcorn and watch a movie.” She grabbed the remote to look for either a series to binge-watch or a movie.

Ella blushed. “Why would I do that now? We’re busy having a sleepover which you were set on keeping guy-free.”

“Figured all this talk might’ve filled you with some courage, but if it hasn’t, it hasn’t, and we should work towards the sleeping portion of the night.” Charlie yawned.

“Oh no, don’t yawn, now I’m going to—” Alice yawned. “Damn you… Now I’m sleepy.”

It dominoed until they were taking turns yawning.

“Doesn’t bode well for even making it through one movie.” Charlie yawned again and laid down.

“No, it doesn’t.” Alice laid down next to her and snuggled close, wanting her warmth.

It wasn’t long before all of them were asleep.

Continued in chapter 39.

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One Life Stand – Chapter 37

By the time Leon pulled up to their hotel, Ella was fast asleep. “Must be a sugar coma.” Leon laughed and rubbed his belly. “Even I’m feeling it a bit.”

Knock, knock. Someone tapped on his window. Leon rolled the window down and held a finger up to his lips. “She’s sleeping,” he said to Zeke.

“I can see that… She probably needs it, but do you realize what time it is? Your lunch break is well past over, and I’ve had to deal with some unhappy campers.” Zeke sighed and rubbed his temples.

“You know, if I at least gave you a better title, they’d listen to you more, and I wouldn’t even be needed at half these meetings. Let’s face it, you’re as important to this company as I am. More so even…”

“And you know I have no desire to have that title—”

“If it’s because of me, I think you should reconsider. I’m okay now.”

“How about you carry your sleeping princess upstairs?” Zeke asked, his eyes sliding over to Ella.


Careful not to slam his door, Leon went to the passenger’s side to pick Ella up.

“I’ve got it.” Zeke closed her door.

“Thank you.”

Zeke followed Leon into the hotel, silent as he held back from scolding him about the meeting he missed. They got into the elevator, and Zeke saw Leon’s reflection on the door. He was staring at Ella with the softest gaze he’d ever seen from him.

“I still can’t believe you two reunited after all these years.”

“It was fate; meant to be. I truly believe that even if we got separated again, we’d end up finding each other, eventually.”

“Is it really good to wait like that? I’ve seen you waste years waiting already… What if she’s not ready and bails? Will you be stuck waiting another fifteen years?”

“If I have to.”

“Have you forgotten the timeline? You need to marry her before you’re twenty-five, or I guess technically, it’s at least before you turn twenty-six, or else there are going to be bad consequences. And you know we’re not just talking about you owning the company; your parents are crazy enough to fire all those people.”

“Honestly, I’m terrified and think we should wait longer before tying the knot, but as you said, I don’t have much time.”

“And your parents are pushing for it quickly.”

“That too.” Leon sighed.

“I’ve talked to Alice quite a bit about her, and—”

“I don’t need to hear it, Zeke. I know about her engagements in the past, and none of it matters. If anything, everything led her to me.”

“I just meant about the chances of her running away. Her track record isn’t good.”

“All that means is I have to be good at chasing her.” Leon smiled at him.

Bing. The elevator doors opened. Zeke followed him out and into the suite.

“You’re back!” Charlie popped up in front of them.

Leon’s eyes trailed from her to Kyra in the kitchen and Alice sleeping on the couch. “I see you’ve all made yourselves at home here…” Leon sighed.

“I hope you don’t mind, but this place is freaking awesome!”

“I don’t mind… But can you keep it down?” He glanced down at Ella in his arms. “She fell asleep on the ride home.”

“Oh, oops, sorry!” Charlie brought a finger up to her lips.

“How’s she doing?” Kyra made her way over and checked Ella for a fever.

“She’s fine, as far as I know.”

Ella smiled at the feel of Kyra’s hand. “Mmm…” She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. They went wide. “Uh…” She looked around at her friends, then at Leon and Zeke. “W-what’s going on?”

“You fell asleep in the car,” Leon answered. “You can go back to sleep if you want.”

It finally dawned on her that Leon was carrying her. Heat rose to her cheeks. “No, that’s okay. I’m wide awake now, so can you put me down?” She kicked her feet a little.

“Aw, I like holding you in my arms, but okay.” He set her down and smiled at her.

“Why are you two here?” Ella asked Kyra and Charlie. “Not that I’m complaining, just curious.”

“We wanted to check on you,” Kyra said.

“I wanted to have a sleepover,” Charlie cheered, throwing her fist into the air.

“Hmm?” Alice shot up into a sitting position. “Oh, hey, you’re back. Bring me anything?”

Zeke sat down on the couch beside her and held up a bag. “They did.”

“Zeke!” Her eyes widened. “H-hey… How’s it going?”

“Weren’t you supposed to be working?” Zeke looked at his watch. “You’re definitely not off the clock.”

“Ella wasn’t here, so I figured it didn’t matter. This place is already in good condition.” She shrugged and reached out for the bag.

“I’m not sure you deserve this.” He held it away.

“What? But they got it for me; you have no say on it being mine.”

Leon and the girls watched them interact and exchanged wondering glances. Charlie leaned in close. “When did that happen?” she asked. “Normally, if they hit that point, she’d dump them and start avoiding them…”

Kyra smiled. “Someone who can actually keep up with her? This is indeed rare.”

“How long do you think he’ll last?” Charlie snickered.

“If Zeke is determined, he’ll know exactly how to rein her in and keep her where he wants her,” Leon grumbled. “Like a spider luring someone into a trap.”

“You sound like you have experience—”

“More than anyone else. I know Zeke. He’s a brilliant mastermind who knows how to play the field to get what he wants. If I’m being honest, he’s terrifying sometimes.”

Zeke’s gaze flicked up over to Leon for a moment, and he flinched back.

“But Alice likes to play with them and then find a new toy when she gets bored,” Charlie explained. Alice was bright and animated when she talked with Zeke, even though they were bickering. “She doesn’t look bored yet.”

“Well, Zeke is the most interesting fellow I’ve ever met, so it could take a while for her to get bored… if she ever does. I have this feeling, if he wanted to, he could keep it interesting forever.”

“Unless he wants a marriage; she’s worse than Ella for that. Ow!” Charlie yelped as Kyra tugged on her ear. “What was that for?” She looked over at Ella. “Sorry…”

“Don’t worry about it…” Ella sighed and looked away. Leon rested his hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer.

“I guess we shouldn’t worry about it anymore. You two get along swimmingly.”

“Does that mean I’m invited to the sleepover?” Leon asked. “I like sleepovers.” He kissed Ella on the cheek.

“No boys allowed!” Charlie poked him in the chest.

“Aw, but I can make it more fun.”

“I have a feeling that’d only be fun for you and Ella, and awkward for the rest of us.”

Leon shrugged. He had wanted to spend the night together again, but wasn’t about to deny her a night with her friends. “I suppose I’ll have to stay alone in my room.” He sighed.

“You could always ask Zeke to stay over.” Charlie snickered.

“Ah-ha… When we were younger and sat around playing video games, sure, now… I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“I don’t want a sleepover with you either,” Zeke said.

“Where’d Alice go?”

“She had some work to finish before she’d get her dessert.” Zeke smirked and held up the bag.

“Why does it feel like you’re training her?” Charlie asked.

“And can you do that to children?” Kyra asked. “I have a few kids who could use some extra training.”

“I can write you some tips and lessons to deal with unruliness. How old are they?” Zeke and Kyra got absorbed in their own conversation.

“Are you going to be okay?” Leon turned to Ella.

“Of course.”

“Don’t forget, you were sick and passed out yesterday.” He combed her hair back, his touch gentle.

“Okay, you two.” Charlie pushed her way between them. “I have pizza ordered and ice cream already in the freezer. It’s time for the sleepover, so you’ll have to…” Charlie pointed to his room.

“Okay, I understand.” He backed away. “I’ll miss you.” He winked at Ella and walked over to Zeke.

“You blush so easily when it comes to him,” Charlie whispered.

“I can’t help it,” Ella huffed and crossed her arms.

“I didn’t mean it like that. I was pointing out how rare it was with the last two who proposed to you. Despite all of this being thrown at you, you actually seem happier. More at ease… around him, anyway. You could do with something to relax you otherwise.” She rubbed Ella’s shoulders and led her to her bedroom. “We even got you new PJs!” Charlie showed her the pile of matching PJs sitting on the bed, each a different colour but the same pattern. “You get first choice.”


Continued in chapter 38.

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One Life Stand – Chapter 36

Ella woke up in the morning while Leon was half-naked and getting changed for work. Her eyes widened before she scrunched them closed. Eep! Don’t blush, don’t blush… She peeked as he continued getting ready. Damn, what am I doing? But it’s not like I haven’t seen all of him before… She scrunched her eyes closed again. When she finally opened her eyes, Leon was right beside her.

“Enjoying the morning show?” Leon snickered as he adjusted his tie.


“Don’t worry; I’m yours to enjoy.” He winked at her. “Look all you want; no need to hide it.”

“Well, I…”

He kissed her forehead. “No fever at least. Alice is already here, so ask if you need anything. I’ll try to be home during lunch to check on you. I’ll see you later.”

“B-bye…” He’s like a whirlwind, sometimes.

Alice peeked into the room once he was gone. “Aren’t you two just the cutest couple?” She giggled and pushed a trolley in. She let out a deep sigh. “I’m so glad things have been working out. I wasn’t sure with how it started, but now, now it seems like it’ll it was meant to be.” She clasped her hands together, her eyes sparkling. “Such a fairy tale, if you ask me.”

“How are things going with Zeke? Are you two still dating?” Ella asked, having not heard anything about it since she found out about them.

Alice shrugged. “We’re having fun; isn’t that enough?”

“How long will fun be enough for you?”

“Hopefully, forever.”

“Never plan to change that?”

“Not anytime soon, no. So when we grow old, I totally expect you to keep a room in your house for me, so I can live with you.”

“So that’s your plan? I don’t know if Leon would agree to that.”

“Are you kidding me? If you asked, I know he’d let me stay.”

“Why do you think that?”

Alice’s eyes widened. “Seriously? He’s totally head over heels in love with you; he’ll give you anything you ask for.”

“I don’t know if I’d say he’s head over heels…”

“If you don’t think that, then you’re blind. That man loves you more than anything.”

“But… Sebastian was like him before everything changed…”

Alice gagged. “How can you even compare them? I didn’t know Sebastian back in the day, but I’ve had to deal with him enough now to know they’re nothing alike.”

“He was sweet and caring… and we were engaged for a while, too.”

“Is that what’s been worrying you? Is that why you’re so stressed?”

Ella sighed. “I’m stressed because of everything, not just one thing. It’s all so… overwhelming, and I don’t feel good enough.”

“Take it from someone who has a lot more experience with men—”

“I’ve been proposed to four times; who has more experience?” Wait, does Leon make it five?

“Fine, I have more experience with a variety of men, and I can tell which ones are the good ones who mean what they say, and Leon is one of them. Where else will you find a hottie like him who’s willing to wait for his first love to come back into his life before getting serious with a woman? That is dedication there.”

“But it also meant he was in love with the girl in his memories.” Ella sighed and rubbed her forehead. “What if things change down the line?”

Alice tapped her chin as she stared hard at Ella. “I still can’t see him changing, no matter what. But what does this mean? Are you going to run away again?”

“I… I don’t want to—”

“Then don’t. It’s as simple as that. Face the future head-on with Leon, and I’m sure you’ll be alright.”

“I don’t think I can be like his mom and schmooze up to all these business people and whatnot… that are going to be at our wedding.” Ella sighed and grabbed a pillow to hug. I should’ve grabbed Penny from my room.

“Has Leon asked you to?”

“No… he just wanted me to let his parents invite whoever they wanted.”

“Then I don’t think you have to worry about it. As far as I can tell, Leon wants you to be happy. That’s it. Well, he hopes he’s a major part of that happiness. Relax, Ella; you’ve caught a good one. Now, I should probably do some work instead of chatting with you.”

“Mental health.” Ella pointed at herself. “It could be considered doing work.”

“I love that way of thinking.” Alice laughed and sat down on the bed beside her. “The girls would be so jealous…”

Ella’s expression dropped. “Don’t go bragging about slacking today to anyone, or you might never get another chance.”

“Noted! Although, it’d be the perfect thing to tease Charlie with…”

“Alice…” Ella called to her in a threatening tone.

“I know, I know. Now, let’s eat breakfast and watch some TV.”

The front door opened, and Alice shot up into a sitting position, her hair a mess after falling asleep beside Ella, who was wide awake watching TV still. Alice hopped out of bed and pushed the cart of dirty dishes out of the room to go grab lunch. “She’s awake and fine,” Alice said as she sped past Leon.

“Good to know…” Leon frowned, thinking about what Alice was up to. He knocked on the bedroom door before opening it. “Have you gotten any rest, or has Alice been keeping you up?”

Alice is the one who’s been sleeping. Ella shrugged. “I just have trouble sleeping extra. I’m used to keeping myself busy, and I don’t feel super sick, so it’s hard to stay here like this.”

“I see…” Leon nodded as he thought. “Well, if you’re up for it, my mom has been pestering me to go tastes cakes during lunch, and I think it’d be better if you were there.”

“Tasting cakes?” More wedding stuff…

“You love dessert, don’t you?”

“Of course, I do.”

He reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “Then what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She shook her head, and he frowned. “I just don’t know how much dessert I can eat right now, and I hate to waste.”

“Oh, I’ll eat anything you don’t. I know you prefer a clean plate.”

“Wouldn’t that be too much sugar for you?”

He smiled. “In case you’ve forgotten, I have a sweet tooth, too!”

“Ah… Okay then…” Better than lazing at home… I think.

“Here, I’ll help you get changed.” Leon smiled and rifled through her closet.

“Pretty sure I can dress myself… Isn’t that too flashy for tasting cake?” Ella asked, looking at the dress he picked out.

“I thought you’d look good in it; wasn’t thinking about the occasion.”

“Scoot.” She pointed at the door and gave him a light push. “And tell Alice what’s going on.”

“Okay, okay.” He chuckled and winked at her before he left.

Ha… He’s such a flirt, but I guess it’s okay if it’s only with me. Maybe Alice was right, and I’m overthinking everything.

She quickly threw on a blouse and skirt and got ready to leave within a couple of minutes.

“Okay.” She walked into the living room to find Leon chatting with Alice, who was eating the meal she brought for Ella.

“Eat lots of cake for me,” Alice said. “And no coconut pieces in the cake, please; it makes my throat itchy.”

“I know.” I probably know way too much about her preferences and allergies.

Leon picked up Ella’s jacket and held it up to her.

“Thank you.”

“You two are so cute.” Alice giggled and continued eating Ella’s sandwich.

“Goodbye, Alice; I’ll have her back in an hour.” Leon waved to her and kept his hand at the small of Ella’s back as he escorted her out.

“How could Sebastian ever have been like Leon?” Alice muttered.

They got into Leon’s car, and Ella stared at him with a raised eyebrow.

“What’s wrong?” Leon asked as he buckled up.

“You’re driving?” Ella asked.

“Yes, is that a problem?”

“Well, no, but…”

“Zeke normally drives? I know, and he likes driving, but he’s busy today. Besides, it’s not the first time I’ve driven us, so you know I’m good.” Leon refrained from saying that Zeke was busy keeping an eye on Sebastian. “It’s also nearby, so it won’t take long to get there either way.”

They took off, and like Leon said, it only took ten minutes to arrive at the bakery his mother was waiting at as she stared at her watch.

“Hello, mother,” Leon said as they entered together.

“Hello, dear.” His mother’s gaze turned to Ella. “I hope you’re feeling better.”

“I’m okay; just tired.”

“I see… Well, you’d do well to take care of your health. We want grandbabies—”

“Mother,” Leon called to her in a low voice.

“Right, sorry.” His mother sighed and turned to the owner of the cake shop, who was also the baker. “We’d like to start now.”

“Please, have a seat.” He led them over to a table before bringing out a slew of cake samples for them to try.

I love cake, but this seems like a lot to try, even for me…

Leon grabbed her hand under the table, linking his fingers through hers.

“First is a lemon mascarpone cake.” They set a small sample out for each of them.

Ella went to release Leon’s hand, and his grip tightened. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. How am I supposed to eat if I can’t use my dominant hand? I’d rather avoid making a mess.

As if in answer to her thoughts, Leon held his fork up with cake on it, ready for her to try. Knowing Leon wouldn’t give up, and not wanting to make a scene, she ate it. Her eyes widened. Damn, this is good.

“You don’t need to feed her,” his mother whispered, nudging his elbow.

“I don’t have to, but I want to.”

“It’s okay; we’re used to lovebirds doing this by now,” the owner said, a soft smile playing on his face. “It’s always heart-warming to feel the love between a couple.”

After trying more cake than she cared to remember, and the flavours started to blur in her mind, Ella sat around drinking water for a while. “How do we choose just one?” she asked.

“If there isn’t one, but rather a few, we can get them all,” Leon said. “That should be doable, right?”

“Yes, and we have it as you want to order a five-tier cake, so you can choose five different flavours if you want. Keep in mind, the bottom one will be the largest and should be your top choice.”

“Did you find one you like the best?”

We tried so many though… She thought back to the ice cream they ate together as kids. “How about a strawberry one for the biggest, but also a cookies and cream one too?”

Leon’s face lit up, instantly recognizing it. “Okay, and how about an apple cinnamon and brownie one?”

Ella smiled. “And for the last one…”

They stared at eat other for a moment. “Chocolate peanut butter,” they both said.

I wonder how we managed that? We haven’t eaten that combination together before.

His mother stared at them. “Quite the variety… Are you looking for a Frankenstein cake?”

“Oh, don’t worry, ma’am, the outside of the cake will all be cohesive,” the owner assured her.

“Well, that’s good; I don’t want there to be any eyesores.”

She makes me want to make bad choices for the wedding… Although she had narrowed down the other things so much; I don’t think I could’ve. “I guess we’re done now?” Ella looked at Leon and his mom.

Leon pulled out his car keys and handed them to her. “I have a few things I’d like to talk to him about, so you can wait in the car,” he said.

“Talk to him about what?” his mother asked.

“About more desserts to be there, but Ella looks like she’s had enough. Go get some fresh air.” He kissed Ella on the cheek.

“Okay, thank you.” Ella excused herself and stood outside of the shop. She took a deep breath of fresh air. She’s going to be my mother-in-law, and expect a lot out of me.

A sudden chill ran down her spine. She looked around and spotted a few groups of people, but none of them seemed to be paying any attention to her. Not wanting to chance anything, she hopped into the car and locked the door.

I’m probably just imagining things.

Tap, tap.

“Ah!” She nearly jumped out of her skin. At her window was Leon. Oh, thank goodness… She rested a hand on her chest, her heart racing, and rolled the window down.

“Sorry, did I scare you?” Leon asked.

“Ha… Just a bit startled. Are you done?”

Leon held up a bag and smiled. “I got you some ice cream. I know you’ve had enough sugar for now, but we can always have it another day.” He handed her the bag.

She peeked into the bag. “Strawberry shortcake ice cream?”

“A little twist on your favourite flavour.”

“Thank you.” She handed him his keys back. “Oh, what about your mom?”

“Don’t worry about her; she has her own ride.”

“I figured I should’ve said goodbye…”

“Seriously, Ella, I love that you’re trying to get along with her, but you don’t have to worry so much about every little thing.”

“But… She’s your mom, and you should cherish family.”

Leon froze, his hands gripping the stirring wheel. “You know she neglected me as a child, they both did—”

“But I saw the way she looks at you. She may suck at showing it, but she does care.”

“She cares about using me for their business, that’s it.”

“I hope I’m not out of line, but have you talked to her about it before? Or tried to talk to her in general about life?”

Leon swallowed hard. “You’re not out of line. You’re free to ask me anything you want, but no, I never talked about the incident with her. I didn’t see the point. That day we met on the beach, you changed my life, and I strived to become a man you could be proud of. It’s probably silly that I attached myself to you so much even though we only spent one day together, but you helped me… continue living. The bright light of hope I never got from anyone else.” Leon sighed and rubbed his face. “I admire your relationship with your mom, but I could never be that close to mine.”

“If you wanted to be closer, you can always try to talk to her. Even if she was a certain way when you were little, doesn’t mean she’d still be that way.”

“Would you want to talk to your dad?”

Ella clammed up. “It’s not the same and you know it. He left us…”

“So you’re saying you wouldn’t want to ask why he did it? Wouldn’t want to confront him?”

“He’s not in my life, and I no longer have a connection to him, so no.” That would feel disrespectful to my mother. I know how much she suffered when he left, and I know she doesn’t want a reminder of the past.

“I’m sorry. You’re right; it’s not the same. It can be hard to deal with your parents when you don’t really get along. I think all that built up resentment from the neglect put a rift between us that can’t be fixed.”

“If you’re both willing to try, you might be able to, but that requires both people to be willing.”

“I get my stubbornness from my parents, so I don’t see that happening. It’s fine though; I have you now. You’re all I need.”

“You have Zeke, too. You are friends, right?”

“Yes, he is both my assistant, friend, and the closest thing to a brother I’ve ever had. But he’s hard to deal with! Like a controlling older brother,” he muttered. “He is way more than an assistant. I wish I could give him another title.”

“Can’t you?”

“I tried, and he declined.”

Why would he do that? Ella frowned.

“I think he’s actually afraid to leave me alone for too long. Since you came into the picture, we’ve spent less time together, but before you, we were almost attached at the hip. I also think he doesn’t want to be a leader, despite how controlling he can be. I think he’d be perfect in a leadership position, and with how much he does for me, you’d think he was the VP or something. Anyway, how about we head home?”

“Sure.”I can’t help but wonder, is Zeke his only friend? I’ve never seen him close to anyone else.

Continued in chapter 37.

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