One Life Stand – Chapter 41

At the end of the workday, while Ella was helping a customer, Leon popped up behind her. Once the customer walked away, he wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Hello there,” Leon whispered into her ear.

“H-hey…” I thought it was just another customer behind me. Glad I didn’t elbow him when he hugged me.

“You’re done with work today, right?”


“Then let’s go before Zeke finds us.” He urged her forward.

“W-wait! I need to get changed out of my uniform.”

“No time; he’ll catch us if we go home. Let’s use the back door.” Leon’s arm around her waist, he rushed down the hall smiling like a schoolboy up to no good.

“Don’t make me run in these shoes; I’m afraid I’ll catch on the rug and trip us both.” There’s not much of a heel to it, but I still don’t want to run in them.

“I’d catch you, but if you’re that worried…” He pulled her in closer and lifted her into his arms. “Then I’ll just have to run for the both of us.” He chuckled and took off for real.

Ella clung to his neck, startled. “Oh my gosh! Weren’t you taught not to run in the halls?”

“Maybe, but that doesn’t mean I’ll listen to those rules when I’m in a hurry.” He rushed through the employee area with her to the back entrance.

Ella couldn’t help but laugh and hide her face in the nook of his neck. I can’t believe he’s doing this.

Outside, he set her down by one of his other cars; an old, blue Camaro he didn’t normally use. “Incognito,” he hummed and opened the door for her.

She sat down in his car and thought back to when his mother showed up. Do I tell him? “So, where are we going?”

“Anywhere? Nowhere? As long as we’re not home for a few hours, we’re all good.”

“One way of saying you don’t have a plan.” Ella sighed.

“It’s okay to go without a plan sometimes.” Leon started the car, and it purred. “Plans can be quite stifling at times.”

He’s probably talking from experience. “Okay, let’s go.”

They drove off without a destination in mind, and his phone off, not wanting to be pestered about the wedding rehearsal. Ella stared out the window, watching as the commercial district turned to residential and then mainly empty fields.

Ring, ring, ring. Ella pulled her phone out, and Leon snatched it from her. “No phones while we’re hiding,” he said, and she took it back.

“Okay.” She made sure it wasn’t her mom calling and turned her phone off. “So, do you really not know where we’re going?”

“I didn’t, at first, but seeing how dark it’s getting, I’ve thought of a place.”

“And? Where is it? We’re kinda out in the middle of nowhere now, and we have work tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry; we’re not that far out of the city.”

A few minutes later, they pulled into the lot for an observatory.

“A nice clear sky is the perfect time to view the stars,” Leon said before getting out of his car. Ella followed him, and he took her hand, linking their fingers together, before entering.

“Is this even open to the public?” So empty…

“Yes, and there isn’t even an entrance fee. That said, I regularly donate to this place.”


The person at the front desk greeted them. “Hello again, Mr. Hunt.” The attendant’s eyes widened briefly when they saw her. “You came with a guest this time. Welcome!”

“Thank you.”

“I hope you enjoy your stay! Please ask if you need help.” They gave a slight bow as Leon and Ella headed inside.

“They know you here, hmm?” Ella nudged him with her elbow.

“I come here from time to time, and I used to come here when I was little and wanted to get away.”

Ella’s brows furrowed. “Did you come here on your own? It’s a bit far away for a kid to come here…”

“Yes, well, I snuck out and used a bus.” Leon chuckled. “Let’s use this one.” He stood in front of a telescope. “It’ll be great to look around on such a clear night, especially since there’s a meteor shower tonight.”

“Oh! A meteor shower? I’ve tried to look at them before, but I either forget the timing, or it’s a complete overcast, and I can’t see anything, anyway.”

“We can go to the roof later to watch the meteor shower.”

“We don’t need the telescope?”

“Nope; this is for looking at other stars, planets, and constellations. Here, I’ll set it up.” Leon tinkered with the telescope until it was set how he wanted it and in the direction he wanted to start. “Here, have a look.” He stepped back.

Ella looked through, up at the stars. “Wow, I thought it’d be too early to see it so clearly.”

“Helps to be away from the city, and this time of year it gets darker earlier, so it’s easier to see them.”

Leon got a book from the attendant and held it out to Ella. “You can choose constellations from this section, and I can help you find them. We can also look for planets—”

“Oh! Planets! I want to look at those. Will they only look like stars, or can we see more detail?”

“They have pretty strong telescopes at this place, so we’ll see more.” Leon was actually the reason they had the best telescopes that were available to them.

Leon and Ella took turns looking through the telescope, staying close to each other for hours.

“Time to head upstairs.” Leon pointed up.

“Are we allowed up there?”

Leon smirked. “I am.” They rounded the stairs and the metal door at the top opened up to the roof.

“There’s no telescope up here?”

“No, but you don’t need a telescope to see the meteors.” Leon took his jacket off and laid it down on the ground. “Please, have a seat.”

“Aren’t you going to be cold?”

“Not as long as we cuddle close.” He pulled her down to sit between his legs. Leon wrapped his arms around her as they gazed up at the sky awaiting the meteors. “So, are you finally going to tell me whatever it is that’s been on your mind since I dragged you away from work?”

Ella glanced back at him and bit her lip. “Your mom showed up at lunchtime.”

Leon flinched. “She didn’t do anything to you, did she?”

“No, she…” How much should I tell him?

“What’d she do?”

“Well, she knew you were going to skip out on the rehearsal already.”

Leon cringed. “Not out of the realm of normalcy for me when it comes to events… Still surprised she guessed it.”

“And she was worried about you. I know you think there’s nothing left to salvage, but talking to her, I got the feeling that she actually cares about you and is quite remorseful when it comes to your relationship. She realized she messed up by not giving you enough attention—”

Leon cut her off with a kiss, his hand on her cheek, keeping her there.


“Does it matter now? It’s all in the past.”

She moved back. “It’s not in the past, though; your relationship is damaged now, and I can tell she wishes things were different. It’s too bad both of you are so stubborn.” Ella sighed and looked up. “Hey, a meteor!” She pointed at the sky.

Right when Leon looked up, another meteor showed up.

A chilly wind blew by, and they cuddled up close to stay warm as they watched the magnificent view of meteors streaming through the sky.

He leaned in close to her ear to whisper, “Do you really think it’s possible for me to change how I feel about my mother, at least? I doubt my father has any interest in reconciling.”

“If both of you are willing to try, then yes, I think it’s possible. But something tells me you two have a lot to work out. You could always try therapy.”

“Would you go to therapy?” Leon asked.

“Me? Ha… No; they scare me…” It’s too dark in the corners of my mind, so I’d rather not prod it. “Wait, is this your way of telling me I need therapy for my… running issues?”

“No, I actually was wondering if you’d come with me and my mom, but I guess you’d be seen as a security blanket there…” He rubbed his chin and pursed his lips as he thought.

“How is this not about my issues?” Ella mumbled.

“Hmm? Well, in case I didn’t say it before, even if you run away, I’ll find you and make sure you feel safe again.” He winked at her. “You’re mine for life, Ella.”

“Ha…” He’s always surprising me with how sweet he is. I expected him to say he’d catch me… “I would go with you if you wanted me to, but I don’t think I should; as you said… I’d be a security blanket.” Wait, doesn’t that mean he feels safe with me somehow? Ella smiled as she looked back up at the stars.


She turned to see Leon with his phone out, smiling as he took a picture of her. “Sorry… I couldn’t help it; I’ve never seen that look on your face. What brought it on?”


“Never mind; it doesn’t matter. I’m just glad I got to see it.”

A wind blew by and she shivered.

“I think it’s time we go home.” Leon looked at his watch. “The rehearsal should be done, anyway.”


Continued in chapter 42.

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